Chapter Six Legal Issues in Residential Care References: Difference between revisions

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#AGA, s. 3 (1)
#AGA, s. 3 (1)
#Health Care (Consent) and Care Facility (Admission) Act, s. 19.91.
#Health Care (Consent) and Care Facility (Admission) Act, s. 19.91.
#Wahl, J., Dykeman, M.J., & Gray, B. (January 2014). Health Care Consent And Advance Care Planning In Ontario- Legal Capacity, Decision‐Making and Guardianship. Commissioned by the Law Commission of Ontario, p. 203 and 205. Online: [“ACE_ LCO”] (Last accessed: May 1, 2014).
#HCCCFA, s. 19.91.
#ACE_ LCO, p. 205.
#While advance directive can be directly relied on by physicians in British Columbia, they have to ascertain whether the advance directive applies in the situation, and if the advance directive is part of a representation agreement, the representative may be the interpreter.
#Fraser Health. Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST) and Advance Care Planning (ACP). [Date Approved: June 13, 2012.]
#Malpas, P.J. (May, 2011). Advance directives and older people: Ethical challenges in the promotion of advance directives in New Zealand. Journal of Medical Ethics: Journal of the Institute of Medical Ethics. 37(5). pp. 285-289.
#Representation Agreement Act  [RSBC 1996] c. 405, s. 1 [“RRA”]
#See for example, RCR, Schedule D. "physical abuse" means any physical force that is excessive for, or is inappropriate to, a situation involving a person in care and perpetrated by a person not in care;
#AGA defines "neglect" as “any failure to provide necessary care, assistance, guidance or attention to an adult that causes, or is reasonably likely to cause within a short period of time, the adult serious physical, mental or emotional harm or substantial damage or loss in respect of the adult's financial affairs, and includes self neglect.
#Rosen, T. Lachs, M.S. Pillemer, K. (2010). Sexual aggression between residents in nursing homes: literature synthesis of an under-recognized problem. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58, 1070–1079.
#See for example, Ramsey-Klawsnik, H. & Teaster, P.B. (2012). Sexual abuse happens in healthcare facilities—what can be done to prevent it? Generations, 36 (3), 53- 61.
#See for example: McSherry, B. & Somerville, M.A. (1998). “Sexual activity among institutionalized persons in need of special care” 16 Windsor Year Book. Access to Justice, 90 -139; Vancouver Coastal Health. (2009). Supporting sexual health and intimacy in care facilities: guidelines for supporting adults living in long-term care facilities and group homes in British Columbia, Canada. Online: [“Vancouver Coastal Health, Sex.”] (Last accessed: May 1, 2014) .
#Vancouver Coastal Health, Sex.
#Vancouver Coastal Health. Sex, p. 19.
#Vancouver Coastal Health. Sex, p. 19.
#Vancouver Coastal Health. Sex, p. 19.
#R. v. J.A. 2011 SCC 28. 
#Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)
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