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;unjust enrichment:Money or benefits unfairly gained by one person at a corresponding expense or loss to another.
;Undue Hardship:In reference to child support, a situation in which the paying of the amount of child support specified by the Child Support Guidelines would cause financial difficulty and significant unfairness for either the payor or the recipient; a greater degree of hardship than simple hardship is required, it must also be undue before the court will deviate from the Guidelines. See also "Child Support" and "Child Support Guidelines."
;unlawful:Acts or omissions made contrary to legislation or the common law.
;Unjust Enrichment:Money or benefits unfairly gained by one person at a corresponding expense or loss to another. See “Constructive Trust.”
;Unlawful:Acts or omissions made contrary to legislation or the common law. See “Lawful.”
