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;waive:In law, to give up a right or entitlement. to give up the opportunity to assert a right or enforce an entitlement.
;Waive:In law, to give up a right or entitlement; or, to give up the opportunity to assert a right or enforce an entitlement.
;waste:In law, intentionally or unintentionally allowing the value of a piece of property to diminish through carelessness, neglect or purposeful harm.
;Waste:In law, intentionally or unintentionally allowing the value of a piece of property to diminish through carelessness, neglect or purposeful harm.
;will <sup>def</sup>:A legal document in which a person sets out how he wishes his or her property to be disposed of after death. There are certain legal requirements which must be met for a will to be valid. In the absence of a valid will, a person’s property will generally be dealt with according to the provisions of the ''Estate Administration Act''.
;Will:A legal document in which a person sets out how he wishes his or her property to be disposed of after death. There are certain legal requirements which must be met for a will to be valid. In the absence of a valid will, a person’s property will generally be dealt with according to the provisions of the Estate Administration Act. See “Estate,” “Executor,” "Heir," "Intestate" and “Testator.”
;Will:A legal document in which a person sets out how he wishes his or her property to be disposed of after death. There are certain legal requirements which must be met for a will to be valid. In the absence of a valid will, a person’s property will generally be dealt with according to the provisions of the ''Estate Administration Act''.
;Without Prejudice:A phrase meaning that the content of a statement or a proceeding will have no future legal impact on either party and cannot subsequently be used in a legal proceeding involving the parties. When these words appear on a letter, it is meant to indicate that the content of the letter may not be used in court or referred to in legal proceedings, except under certain circumstances.  
;witness:A person giving evidence on the person's oath or affirmation as to the truth of the statements made.
;Witness:A person giving oral evidence to a court about things that he or she has personal knowledge of, on oath or affirmation as to the truth of the evidence given. See “Affirmation,” “Evidence” and “Oath.”
;Word of Art:A word or phrase which has a particular meaning in law that is usually distinct from the word’s or phrase’s common English meaning, like the phrase “word of art.” Also referred to as "term of art."
;Wrongful Act:See "Unlawful."