Six Pressing Issues when Living in Residential Care: Difference between revisions

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#See Schedule D, Residential Care Regulation, (“aggressive or unusual behaviour”) “Other injuries” must also be reported — that is, any injury to a person in care that requires emergency attention by a doctor or nurse or transfer to a hospital.
#See Schedule D, Residential Care Regulation, (“aggressive or unusual behaviour”) “Other injuries” must also be reported — that is, any injury to a person in care that requires emergency attention by a doctor or nurse or transfer to a hospital.
#RCR, s. 77.
#RCR, s. 77.
#See, for example, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Guidelines for overt video surveillance in the private sector (prepared in collaboration with Alberta and British Columbia).  [Last  accessed May 1, 2014]. Also : Office of the  Privacy  Commissioner  “Guidance Documents-  Guidance on covert video surveillance in the private sector.” Online:  [Last  accessed May 1, 2014]. For a general discussion  see:  C.J. Bennett & R,M. Bayley  Video surveillance  and privacy protection law in Canada. Online:  Last  accessed May 1, 2014]
#See, for example, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Guidelines for overt video surveillance in the private sector (prepared in collaboration with Alberta and British Columbia).  [Last  accessed May 1, 2014]. Also : Office of the  Privacy  Commissioner  “Guidance Documents-  Guidance on covert video surveillance in the private sector.” Online:  [Last  accessed May 1, 2014]. For a general discussion  see:  C.J. Bennett & R,M. Bayley  Video surveillance  and privacy protection law in Canada. Online:  (Last accessed May 10, 2016).
# See, for example, E. Fleury & H. Campbell.  Recent legal developments video surveillance in care homes. Online:‐recent‐legal‐developments‐video‐surveillance‐in‐carehomes?highlight=WyJudXJzaW5nIiwiaG9tZSIsImhvbWUncyIsIm51cnNpbmcgaG9tZSJd&hitcount=0  (Last accessed May 10, 2016)
#Perlman, C.M and Hirdes, J.P.  (Dec. 2008). The Aggressive Behaviour Scale: A new scale to measure aggression based on the Minimum Data Set. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 56 (12).  
#Perlman, C.M and Hirdes, J.P.  (Dec. 2008). The Aggressive Behaviour Scale: A new scale to measure aggression based on the Minimum Data Set. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 56 (12).  
#RCR, Schedule D, Reportable Incident.
#RCR, Schedule D, Reportable Incident.
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#RCR, s.77 (1) to (3).
#RCR, s.77 (1) to (3).
#See Coroner Services, Eldon Mooney.
#See Coroner Services, Eldon Mooney.
#Vancouver Island Health Authority. Community Care Licensing Program. Reportable and non-reportable incidents – information for caregivers. Online:  
#Vancouver Island Health Authority. Community Care Licensing Program. Reportable and non-reportable incidents – information for caregivers. Online: ( Last accessed May 10, 2016).
#RCR, s. 88.
#RCR, s. 88.
#AGA, s. 45 (1).
#AGA, s. 45 (1).
#Alzheimer Society ( 2007). Tough Issues: Restraints. Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014).
#Alzheimer Society (2007). Tough Issues: Restraints. Online: (Last accessed May 10, 2016).
#Residential Care Regulations, B.C. Reg. 96/2009, s. 1.  {“RCR”)
#Residential Care Regulations, B.C. Reg. 96/2009, s. 1.  {“RCR”)
#RCR, s. 74 (1).
#RCR, s. 74 (1).

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