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==When to make an application==
==When to make an application==

You can make an application any time after an Application to Obtain an Order has been filed. If the registry the action is filed in is a Family Justice Registry, you may have to meet with a family justice counsellor before you can make your application. Where there is a genuine emergency, however, you can make your application without having to first see the family justice counsellor, and without having to give notice or very much notice to the other side.
You can make an application any time after an Application to Obtain an Order has been filed.  
If the registry the action is filed in is a Family Justice Registry, you may have to meet with a family justice counsellor before you can make your application. Where there is a genuine emergency, however, you can make your application without having to first see the family justice counsellor, and without having to give notice or very much notice to the other side.

==How to make an application==
==How to make an application==