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Hands up, anyone who began to "cohabit with little forethought or planning"!
Hands up, anyone who began to "cohabit with little forethought or planning"!

====Date of Separation====
====The Date of Separation====

Separation usually happens when one spouse decides that the relationship cannot continue, says so and then takes steps to end the partnership-like qualities of the relationship, usually by stopping sleeping together, stopping doing chores for the other person, stopping going out together as a couple and so on. Section 3 (4) offers some guidance on when a spousal relationship ends.
Separation usually happens when one spouse decides that the relationship cannot continue, says so and then takes steps to end the partnership-like qualities of the relationship, usually by stopping sleeping together, stopping doing chores for the other person, stopping going out together as a couple and so on. Section 3 (4) offers some guidance on when a spousal relationship ends.