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Occasionally, such as when the Crown wishes to impose a peace bond and the accused does not agree, there will be a full hearing on the issue. The Crown often considers peace bonds in cases of spousal assault because of a victim’s reluctance to go to trial. At the hearing, the Crown must prove on a balance of probabilities that there are reasonable grounds for the fear. Hearsay evidence is allowed, as it goes to the informant’s belief that there are grounds for the fear (''[https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/bcpc/doc/2002/2002bcpc597/2002bcpc597.html?autocompleteStr=r%20v%20o%20(p.a.)&autocompletePos=1 R. v P.A.O.]'', [2002] BCJ No 3021 (BC Prov Ct)). Since there is no criminal standard of proof, the judge must look at all the evidence, and not focus merely on the absence of the offending conduct (''[https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/bcsc/doc/2004/2004bcsc1438/2004bcsc1438.html?searchUrlHash=AAAAAQAHciB2IGRvbAAAAAAB&resultIndex=2 R v Dol]'', 2004 BCSC 1438).  
Occasionally, such as when the Crown wishes to impose a peace bond and the accused does not agree, there will be a full hearing on the issue. The Crown often considers peace bonds in cases of spousal assault because of a victim’s reluctance to go to trial. At the hearing, the Crown must prove on a balance of probabilities that there are reasonable grounds for the fear. Hearsay evidence is allowed, as it goes to the informant’s belief that there are grounds for the fear (''[https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/bcpc/doc/2002/2002bcpc597/2002bcpc597.html?autocompleteStr=r%20v%20o%20(p.a.)&autocompletePos=1 R. v P.A.O.]'', [2002] BCJ No 3021 (BC Prov Ct)). Since there is no criminal standard of proof, the judge must look at all the evidence, and not focus merely on the absence of the offending conduct (''[https://www.canlii.org/en/bc/bcsc/doc/2004/2004bcsc1438/2004bcsc1438.html?searchUrlHash=AAAAAQAHciB2IGRvbAAAAAAB&resultIndex=2 R v Dol]'', 2004 BCSC 1438).  

If a person breaches the peace bond, a criminal charge may be laid against the bonded person. Peace bonds are sometimes used as alternatives to criminal charges like uttering threats (''[https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/ Criminal Code]s.264.1''), criminal harassment (s 264), and minor assaults (s 266). The benefit to the accused is that formal criminal charges are dropped. The benefit to the complainant is that the no-contact condition of a peace bond addresses their concerns without raising the uncertainty and possible trauma of a trial. An accused should be advised that while a peace bond is not a criminal record, it may affect future hearings, travel outside the country, and decisions concerning custody.
If a person breaches the peace bond, a criminal charge may be laid against the bonded person. Peace bonds are sometimes used as alternatives to criminal charges like uttering threats (''[https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/ Criminal Code]s 264.1''), criminal harassment (s 264), and minor assaults (s 266). The benefit to the accused is that formal criminal charges are dropped. The benefit to the complainant is that the no-contact condition of a peace bond addresses their concerns without raising the uncertainty and possible trauma of a trial. An accused should be advised that while a peace bond is not a criminal record, it may affect future hearings, travel outside the country, and decisions concerning custody.

== D. Pleading guilty ==
== D. Pleading guilty ==