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Applying for a review of a dispute resolution order will cost you $25. If you didn’t have to pay a fee for your original hearing, you won’t have to pay a fee for the review hearing either.
Applying for a review of a dispute resolution order will cost you $25. If you didn’t have to pay a fee for your original hearing, you won’t have to pay a fee for the review hearing either.
===The application form===
You must fill out a form called [http://www.rto.gov.bc.ca/documents/RTB-2.pdf Application for Review Consideration]. An information
officer with the Residential Tenancy Branch can explain the form, or you can call the Tenant Information Line for more information. It is important to fully answer the questions on the application and provide evidence of your reasons for wanting a review.
===Time limits===
You need to apply for a review:
*within 2 days of the date you received a dispute resolution officer’s decision for early termination or an order of possession, or an order regarding assigning or subletting a tenancy, or a landlord’s notice to end a tenancy for non-payment of rent,
*within 5 days of the date you received a dispute resolution officer's decision for a repair, or for a notice to end the tenancy,
*within 15 days of the date you receive a dispute resolution officer's decision for any other type of dispute resolution hearing.