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'''Hospitals’ duties'''—hospitals have a duty to exercise a proper standard of care. A hospital’s duty is to take reasonable care in running the hospital to avoid harming patients. This includes appointing enough competent staff, ensuring that the staff act within their competence level, ensuring timely treatment, and taking the right steps to protect patients from infections from other patients. Hospitals normally have someone to handle complaints about healthcare they provide.  
'''Hospitals’ duties'''—hospitals have a duty to exercise a proper standard of care. A hospital’s duty is to take reasonable care in running the hospital to avoid harming patients. This includes appointing enough competent staff, ensuring that the staff act within their competence level, ensuring timely treatment, and taking the right steps to protect patients from infections from other patients. Hospitals normally have someone to handle complaints about healthcare they provide.  

'''Complaints that hospitals can’t resolve'''—each health authority has a '''[https://www.patientcarequalityreviewboard.ca/makecomplaint.html Patient Care Quality Office]''' to deal with complaints that hospitals cannot resolve. Each health authority also has a '''[http://www.patientcarequalityreviewboard.ca/ Patient Care Quality Review Board]'''. They review complaints that the [https://www.patientcarequalityreviewboard.ca/makecomplaint.html Patient Care Quality Offices] have not resolved. For more information, call 1.866.952.2448 or see the [http://www.patientcarequalityreviewboard.ca/ Boards’ website].  
'''Complaints that hospitals can’t resolve'''—each health authority has a '''[https://www.patientcarequalityreviewboard.ca/makecomplaint.html Patient Care Quality Office]''' to deal with complaints that hospitals cannot resolve. Each health authority also has a '''[http://www.patientcarequalityreviewboard.ca/ Patient Care Quality Review Board]'''. They review complaints that the Patient Care Quality Offices have not resolved. For more information, call 1.866.952.2448 or see the [http://www.patientcarequalityreviewboard.ca/ Boards’ website].  

'''Patients are responsible too'''—as a patient, you have the power to manage your healthcare. You must give the doctor all the important information about your condition, your medical history, and any other relevant information. If you don’t, and that leads to an error in diagnosis or treatment, it will be your fault, not the doctor’s. As well, a doctor is not responsible for problems if you don’t follow the doctor’s advice and your failure causes the problem. For example, if you get sick after surgery, it would be hard to prove that a surgeon was negligent in operating on you, if you don’t follow the surgeon’s instructions for recovery.
'''Patients are responsible too'''—as a patient, you have the power to manage your healthcare. You must give the doctor all the important information about your condition, your medical history, and any other relevant information. If you don’t, and that leads to an error in diagnosis or treatment, it will be your fault, not the doctor’s. As well, a doctor is not responsible for problems if you don’t follow the doctor’s advice and your failure causes the problem. For example, if you get sick after surgery, it would be hard to prove that a surgeon was negligent in operating on you, if you don’t follow the surgeon’s instructions for recovery.