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Future services contracts are subject to some important statutory requirements under Part 4, Division 2 of the ''BPCPA''.  
Future services contracts are subject to some important statutory requirements under Part 4, Division 2 of the ''BPCPA''.  

The ''BPCPA'' sets out a long list of requirements under ss. 19 and 23 for the content of future services contracts, such as the name, address, and telephone number of the seller, a detailed description of the goods or services to identify them with certainty, the price, supply date, and a detailed statement of
The ''BPCPA'' sets out a long list of requirements under ss. 19 and 23 for the content of future services contracts, such as the name, address, and telephone number of the seller, a detailed description of the goods or services to identify them with certainty, the price, supply date, and a detailed statement of the terms of payment. When credit is extended, there also needs to be a description of the subject matter of any security interest. This is '''not''' an exhaustive list; please consult the Act.
Under s 23, a future performance contract is not enforceable by the seller if a rebate or discount is given on the condition of some event  occurring after the time the buyer agrees to buy (usually a referral selling scheme whereby the purchaser aids the seller in making a further sale).
=== 1. Right of Cancellation ===
If the future performance contract does not contain the required information (ss 19 and 23), then a consumer may cancel the contract by giving  notice of cancellation to the supplier within one year of the date that the consumer receives a copy of the contract (s 23(5)). Section 54 sets out the required form and procedure for giving notice. (See Section V.A.1).
== C. Travel or Vacation Clubs, “Book-of-the-Month”, and Record Clubs (Continuing Services Contracts) ==
These contracts are called continuing services contracts because, while you may pay now, the contract extends  into  the future.  This  type  of  contract is  often used  when  one  joins  a karate club  or  a  dance studio, buys a membership in a vacation club, or joins a “book of the month” club. Continuing services contracts must not exceed 24 months in duration. However, a contract can allow the consumer to renew in writing within one month of its expiry, and if the consumer exercises this option,  the  contract  can  continue  past  24  months  (s  24(3)).  If  a  contract  does exceed  24  months  in duration, there are remedies available under s 24(6).  1.Right of Cancellation Because  they  are  often  sold  at  high-pressure  presentations,  under  s  24  these  contracts  are subject to a 10 day right of cancellation from the date the consumer receives a copy of the contract  (s  25(6)).  Section  26(3),  which  also  gives  a 10  day  right  of  cancellation,  applies  to time-share interests not covered by the Real Estate Development Marketing Act, SBC 2004, c 41, such as resorts or condominiums. Contracts  for  continuing  services  can  also  be  cancelled if  there  is  a  material  change  in circumstances  of  the  buyer  or  the  seller,  and  where  the  buyer  or  seller  gives  notice  of cancellation  (s  25).When  alleging  a  material  change  in  circumstances  as  the  basis  for cancelling, the reason must be specified in the notice (s 25(2)). Material changes in circumstances include, but are not limited to: the buyer’s death; and permanent disability or permanent relocation further than 30 km from the seller. Material changes in circumstances of the seller include: through the partial or entire fault of the seller, the services are not completed, or at any time  the  seller  appears  to  be  unable  to  reasonably  complete  the  services  in  the  time frame set out in the contract for the completion of services; the  services  are  no  longer  available  because  of  the  seller’s  discontinued  operation  or substantial change in operation; and

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