Category:Editing Notices
Clicklaw Wikibooks encourages editors to use editing notices to alert readers and other editors to the status of pages. Throughout the editing stages, please change the editing notice to update the status of the page based on changes you have made, or concerns you find. The following Editing Notices are templates (prebuilt elements that are ready to plug right into pages on the wiki) and are transcluded into a particular page by inserting the code "{{NAMEOFTEMPLATE}}" (replace "NAMEOFTEMPLATE" with the name of the editing notice template you want to include) towards the top of the page (or wherever you want the editing notice to appear):
- For example:
This | Will give you this | ||
Inserting {{OKCOPY}} at the very top of the page in edit mode to render a notice stating that the page has passed the copy edit stage. |
Some Editing Notices contain a field that must be customized. For example Template:REVIEWED works to let readers know who reviewed the page last, and when. But you need to provide the who and when details when you place the code into the page:
- For example:
Inserting {{REVIEWED
| reviewer = Nate, March 31, 2013}}
in order to let readers know who reviewed the page and when. |
- Alternatively, rather than typing out your username and the date, the wiki platform lets you simply insert four tilde characters ~~~~placed anywhere consecutively in a page, to automatically render a signature and timestamp when the page is saved:
Will give you this | ||
{{REVIEWED | reviewer = ~~~~}} |
Pages in category "Editing Notices"
The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.