Talk:Indigenous Families

From Clicklaw Wikibooks
Revision as of 02:45, 1 May 2013 by Gayla Reid (talk | contribs)

1.Language: I use Aboriginal (capitalized)to include "Indians," Inuit and Metis - but use First Nations rather than "Indians." I refer to heritage rather than "roots." I do not use "native."

2. In Resources and links I removed Native Community Law Offices (gone, alas, and grievously missed) and put in the current LSS services. I took out the Native Friendship Centre suggestion because Clicklaw seems to offer only one that I can see - in Quesnel. (I would have thought folks would go to the Friendship Centre - am I missing something here?)

BTW they go to the Courtworkers, who aren't funded to do family . . .


Gayla Reid (talk) 19:45, 30 April 2013 (PDT)