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Advance directives are subject to the exceptions in section 19.8 of the Health Care Consent and Care Facility (Admission) Act. Each exception is open to personal and professional judgment, as well as significant differences of opinion on when and how the advance directive can or should be overridden. As noted the chapter on Consent & Capacity, health care consent is based on “informed consent”. That  means not only knowing what the options are, but how these apply to this person in this situation at this point in time.  Consent must be informed, given voluntarily; and not be obtained through misrepresentation or fraud.
Advance directives are subject to the exceptions in section 19.8 of the Health Care Consent and Care Facility (Admission) Act. Each exception is open to personal and professional judgment, as well as significant differences of opinion on when and how the advance directive can or should be overridden. As noted the chapter on Consent & Capacity, health care consent is based on “informed consent”. That  means not only knowing what the options are, but how these apply to this person in this situation at this point in time.  Consent must be informed, given voluntarily; and not be obtained through misrepresentation or fraud.
#Health Care (Consent) and Care Facility (Admission) Act [RSBC 1996] c. 181 [ “HCCCFA”]
#HCCCFAA, s. 16 (2)
#“Spouse” includes people in “marriage-like relationships”, covering both formalized and common law marriages, as well as same sex marriage-like relationships. HCCCFA, s. 1
#HCCCFAA, s. 16 (1).
#HCCCFAA, s. 16 (4).
#HCCCFAA, s. 16 (3).
#HCCCFAA, s. S. 17(1).
#HCCCFA, s. 1 “health care” subsection (b) (ii)
#HCCCFA, s. 19 (1) (a) (i).
#HCCCCFA, s. 19 (1) (b).
#HCCCFA, s. 19 (1) (a) (ii).
#HCCCFA, s.19 (2).
#HCCCFA, s. 19 (3). Also NIDUS, Health Care Consent: Restrictions on the Authority of a Temporary Substitute Decision Maker. Online: (Last accessed: May 1, 2014).
#HCCCFAA, s. S. 17 (6).
#HCCCFAA, s. S. 17 (8).
#HCCCFA, s. 17 (2.2) (a).
#HCCCFAA, s. S. 17 (5).
#HCCCFAA, s. 33 (2) (a).
#HCCCFAA, s. 33 (2) (b).
#Health Care Consent Regulation B.C. Reg. 20/2000, as amended, s. 5. [“HCCCFA Reg”]
#HCCCFAA, s. 33.1.
#HCCCFAA, s. 16 (4).
#ACE, Manual.
#Power of Attorney Act [RSBC 1996]c 370, s. 1 [“POAA”]
#POAA, s. 12 (2). Adult may make enduring power of attorney unless incapable.\
##12 (1)An adult may make an enduring power of attorney unless the adult is incapable of understanding the nature and consequences of the proposed enduring power of attorney.
##(2) An adult is incapable of understanding the nature and consequences of the proposed enduring power of attorney if the adult cannot understand all of the following:
###(a) the property the adult has and its approximate value;
###(b) the obligations the adult owes to his or her dependants;
###(c) that the adult's attorney will be able to do on the adult's behalf anything in respect of the adult's financial affairs that the adult could do if capable, except make a will, subject to the conditions and restrictions set out in the enduring power of attorney;
###(d) that, unless the attorney manages the adult's business and property prudently, their value may decline;
###(e) that the attorney might misuse the attorney's authority;
###(f) that the adult may, if capable, revoke the enduring power of attorney;
###(g) any other prescribed matter.
#POAA, s. 17 (1).
#POAA, s. s27 (1).
#Online: (Last accessed: May 1, 2014).
#The enduring power of attorney  or a representation  agreement  for property is  suspended if the person granting the  power    has been “certified”  under the Patient Property Act. [RSBC 1996] c. 349, s. 19.1.
#POAA, s. 30 (4)  (b). For some people, the duties may continue  but  only under other legal  authority,  e.g.  as executor of will, administrator  of the estate,  representative grant. 
#POAA, s. 28.
#POAA,  s. 31 (3).
#POAA, s. 35 (2).
#POAA, s. 35.
#POAA, s. 35 (1).
#POAA, s. 29 (2) (d) (i).
#POAA, s.29 (2) (d).
#POAA, s. 34 (2) (a).
#POAA, s. 34 (2) (c ) (i).
#POAA, s. 34 (2) (b).
#POAA, s. 34 (2).
#POAA, s. 34 (3).
#Adult Guardianship Act [RSBC 1996] c. 6 [“AGA”]
#Patients Property Act, [RSBC 1996] c. 349. {“PPA”]
#Goodrich v. British Columbia (Registrar of Land Titles), [2004] BCCA 100
#Adult Guardianship and Planning Statutes Amendment Act, 2007, Bill 29.
#Canadian Bankers Association. Consumer Information. “Protecting yourself from financial abuse”. Online: {“CBA, 1”] (Last accessed: May 1, 2014).
#Canadian Bankers Association. Preventing Financial Abuse. Online: [“CBA, 2”] (Last accessed: May1, 2014).
#CBA, 2, ibid.
#L. Beachell, of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities, comment in Tomlinson, K. (Nov. 12, 2012). “RBC blocks housebound senior from getting her money .” CBC News. Online: (Last accessed:  May 1,  2014).
#POAA, s. 19(1).
#POAA, s. 19(1).
#POAA, s.19.
#POAA, s. 19.
#POAA, c.370, 19 (3) (c).
#POAA, s.19 (3).
#There is an exception made where the individual working the facility is a child, parent or spouse of the adult.
#POAA, s. 32 (1) (a) and (b); also, s. 32 (2).
#Arguably, there are situations where access to health information might seem to be necessary, e.g. to determine  payment of certain medical bills. Whether the attorney could request is debatable, though.
#K. Whalley, Power of Attorney Pitfalls. Online: [“Whalley”] (Last accessed: May 1, 2014).
#Whalley, ibid.
#Whalley, ibid.
#Gordon, R. M. (1992). Material abuse and powers of attorney in Canada: a preliminary examination. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 4 (1-2). 173-193. [“Gordon”]
#POAA, s. 19
#Government of BC. (November 2009), p. 3. Online: “Home and Community Care Information Guide for the New Residential Care Rate Structure,” Also see:  (Last accessed:  May 1,  2014).
#Health and Community Care Policy Manual. 6. F- Residential Care, “ Benefits and Allowable Charges” (October 15, 2012)
#Mclellan Herbert. Estate litigation 2011: contested committeeship applications. Online:  (Last accessed:  May 1,  2014).
#An exception is made if that person is their child, parent or spouse.
#RAA, s. 8 (1).
#It does exclude the types of major health care identified in the regulation, such as ECT, psychosurgery; experimental health care; medical research; negative stimulus (aversive) therapy; tissue removal for implantation.
#RAA, s. 7 (1)
#RAA, s. 8 (2)
#RRA, s. 12 (1)
#RRA, s. 16 (9)
#RRA, s. 13
#RRA, s. 16
#Canadian Centre for Elder Law. ( March 2014) understanding the lived experiences of supported decision-making in Canada: A Study Paper. Prepared for Law Commission of Ontario. Online:  (Last accessed:  May 1,  2014).
#As a result, these matters  would likely either be unresolved or go to court.
#PPA,  s. 3 (1)  sets  out the court  application process.  Under the Patients Property Act, there are two processes for appointing a committee. The Supreme Court can appoint a public agency or private individual committee of estate and/or person by court order. Health authorities can appoint a committee of estate and that committee of estate must be a public agency, namely the Public Guardian and Trustee. Pg. 28. Office of the British Columbia Ombudsperson. (February 2013). No longer your decision: British Columbia’s process for appointing the Public Guardian and Trustee to manage the financial affairs of incapable adults. Public Report No. 49. Online:  (Last accessed:  May 1,  2014). [ “Ombuds, No longer  your decision”]
#Ombuds, No longer  your decision.
#Bill 32 -- 2006 Adult Guardianship and Personal Planning Statutes Amendment Act, 2006.
#POAA, s. 30 (3).
#HCCCFA, s.19.5.
#HCCCFA, 19.1 (2).
#HCCFA, s. 19.1.
#HCCCFA, s. 19.8.
#HCCCFA, s. 19. 1 (2).
#See for example, Canadian Bar Association. (June 2010). Advance Care Planning.  National Elder Law, Health Law, and Wills, Estates and Trust Law Sections, CBA. Online: at pg. 4 [“CBA, Elder Law”] (Last accessed:  May 1,  2014).
#Applegate, K., Crissman, C. , Morgan, B.  & Reid, B. “Advance Directives.” University of Kentucky, Department of Philosophy.  Also see Sabatino, C.  (October 2007). Advance Directives and Advance Care Planning: Legal and Policy Issues. American Bar Association, Commission on Law and Aging.  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy. Online: Last accessed: April 22, 2014. Sabatino notes  that conventional advance directives appear to have had relatively little impact because too few people make use of the legal tools; and when they do, they do not understand the forms they complete nor the future decisions that might have to be made. The forms themselves do not provide much guidance;  the persons’ goals and preferences for care may change; and even if providers know one exists, it often does not affect care.
#CBA, Elder Law.   

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