
Terminology: Difference between revisions

From Clicklaw Wikibooks
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;question of fact:An issue arising where the parties disagree about a fact relevant to a court proceeding, when only one party can be right. A court's decision about what the facts of a case are called the court's "findings of fact." See "finding of fact".
;question of fact:An issue arising where the parties disagree about a fact relevant to a court proceeding, when only one party can be right. A court's decision about what the facts of a case are called the court's "findings of fact." See "finding of fact".
;question of law:An issue about which law should be applied to determine a court proceeding or about or how the law should be applied in a proceeding. A court's decision about how the law or how it should be applied is a "finding of law". See "finding of law".
;question of law:An issue about which law should be applied to determine a court proceeding or about or how the law should be applied in a proceeding. A court's decision about how the law or how it should be applied is a "finding of law". See "finding of law".
;''quid pro quo'':A Latin phrase meaning "this for that". Refers to a benefit offered in exchange for a benefit received. See "contract law".
