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This is a Clicklaw Wikibook, a collaborative, plain language legal publication that is updated as a wiki and can be printed or downloaded.
A Death in Your Family from People's Law School is for people in British Columbia who want to know what to do when a loved one dies. It covers preparing for the death of a loved one, what to do immediately after the death, making the funeral arrangements, and where to find support.
At People's Law School, we believe accurate, plain English information can help people take action to work out their legal problems. This resource explains in a general way the law that applies in British Columbia. It is not intended as legal advice. For help with a specific legal problem, contact a legal professional. Some sources of legal help are highlighted in the "Where to Get Help" section.
About People's Law School
People's Law School is a non-profit society in British Columbia providing free education and information on the legal problems of daily life.