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This takes a quick look at separation and divorce, both of which are discussed in greater detail in the following pages, and looks at a few urban myths about separation and divorce. Everything in this chapter applies to same-sex couples just as it does to opposite-sex couples. The do-it-yourself divorce process is reviewed in a fair amount of detail in the last page of this chapter, __________ .
This takes a quick look at separation and divorce, both of which are discussed in greater detail in the following pages, and looks at a few urban myths about separation and divorce. Everything in this chapter applies to same-sex couples just as it does to opposite-sex couples. The do-it-yourself divorce process is reviewed in a fair amount of detail in the last page of this chapter, __________ .
The rules about marriage, separation and divorce are fairly straightforward, despite some fairly common misunderstandings.
To be able to marry, the spouses must, among other things, be unmarried, sane and over a certain age. They must also be married by a person properly licenced to conduct marriages, either a civil marriage commissioner or an authorized religious official. The process for getting married in British Columbia is described in detail in the How do I ? section of this website, and the following chapter, Marriage & Divorce > Marriage, provides a lot more information about the law relating to marriage.
Separation simply means making the decision that the marriage has broken down. You don't have to move out to separate, you just have to tell your spouse that things have come to an end and that you'd like to end the relationship. The ins and outs of separation are discussed in the Marriage & Divorce > Separation chapter, and some of the things that a couple thinking of separating might want to keep in mind are listed in the How do I ? section. The emotional dimensions of ending a relationship are discussed in the chapter Marriage & Divorce > Separating Emotionally.
Divorce is the legal termination of a marriage. A divorce requires an order of the court ending the marriage; a couple that have been separated for a dozen years are still married, and they'll remain married until they get a court order for their divorce. The rules about divorce and the process required to get a divorce order are discussed in the chapter Marriage & Divorce > Divorce.


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