Chapter Four Legal Issues in Residential Care References: Difference between revisions

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#BC Ombuds, Best of Care, Finding 113 and Recommendation 144.
#BC Ombuds, Best of Care, Finding 113 and Recommendation 144.
#RCR, s.60 (b).
#RCR, s.60 (b).
#AGA, s. 51 (e) (iii).
#AGA, s. 51 (e) (iii).
#RCR, s. 78.1 (e) (i).
#RCR s. 78.1 (e) (ii) “Records for each person in care”.  The regulation refers to recording the “identification”, which would include identity * who”), but possibly might include other things to help staff identify the person, such as vehicle type and license number.
#RCR, s. 58 (1).
#RCR, s. 58 (2).
#Schedule D of the Residential Care Regulation lists and defines 20 events, behaviours and actions that constitute a reportable incident. Section 77 of the RCR also states that a person in care is involved in a “reportable incident” when that person is the subject either of a reportable incident or, in the case of emotional, physical, financial or sexual abuse or neglect, of an alleged or suspected reportable incident.
#See Schedule D, Residential Care Regulation, (“aggressive or unusual behaviour”) “Other injuries” must also be reported — that is, any injury to a person in care that requires emergency attention by a doctor or nurse or transfer to a hospital.
#RCR, s. 77.
#See, for example, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Guidelines for overt video surveillance in the private sector (prepared in collaboration with Alberta and British Columbia).  [Last  accessed May 1, 2014]
#Also : Office of the  Privacy  Commissioner  “Guidance Documents-  Guidance on covert video surveillance in the private sector.” Online:  [Last  accessed May 1, 2014]
#For a general discussion  see:  C.J. Bennett & R,M. Bayley  Video surveillance  and privacy protection law in Canada. Online:  Last  accessed May 1, 2014]
#Perlman, C.M and Hirdes, J.P.  (Dec. 2008). The Aggressive Behaviour Scale: A new scale to measure aggression based on the Minimum Data Set. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 56 (12).
#RCR, Schedule D, Reportable Incident.
#Drance, E. (May 2013). Resident to resident aggression in residential care. Friesen Conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC.
#Canadian Institute for Health Information. Prevalence of aggressive behaviour by signs of depression and indicators of delirium, Nova Scotia nursing homes, 2003–2004 to 2006–2007.
#See: WorkSafe BC. Communicate patient information. Prevent violent based injuries to health care and social services workers.  Workplace BC notes that s. 22(3) (a) of FIPPA is often misunderstood and misapplied in this area.
#(April 2002). Guidelines : Code White Response -  a component  of prevention  and management  of aggressive behaviour in health care.  BC Workers Compensation Board/Health Coalition of BC/OHSAH.
#Ministry of Health. (2012). Best practice guideline for accommodating and managing behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in residential care a person-centered interdisciplinary approach. Online :  [Last accessed April 30, 2014]
#RCR, s.77 (1) to (3).
#See Coroner Services, Eldon Mooney.
#Vancouver Island Health Authority. Community Care Licensing Program. Reportable and non-reportable incidents – information for caregivers. Online:
#RCR, s. 88.
#AGA, s. 45 (1).
#Alzheimer Society ( 2007). Tough Issues: Restraints. Online: (Last accessed May 1, 2014).
#Residential Care Regulations, B.C. Reg. 96/2009, s. 1.  {“RCR”)
#RCR, s. 74 (1).
#RCR, s. 74 (1) (b).
#RCR, s. 73 (3) (a).
#RCR, s. 73 (3) (b).
#RCR. S. 75 (2).



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