Types of Substitute Decision-Making in Residential Care: Difference between revisions

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#POAA, s. 34 (2).
#POAA, s. 34 (2).
#POAA, s. 34 (3).
#POAA, s. 34 (3).
#Adult Guardianship Act [RSBC 1996] c. 6 [“AGA”]
#Patients Property Act, [RSBC 1996] c. 349. {“PPA”]
#Patients Property Act, [RSBC 1996] c. 349. {“PPA”]
#Goodrich v. British Columbia (Registrar of Land Titles), [2004] BCCA 100
#Goodrich v. British Columbia (Registrar of Land Titles), [2004] BCCA 100

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