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* [http://www.familylaw.lss.bc.ca/guides/mini/howToStartFamilyCaseSC/apply/index.php Legal Services Society Family Law in BC Website: How to start a family law case (Supreme Court]
* [http://www.familylaw.lss.bc.ca/guides/mini/howToStartFamilyCaseSC/apply/index.php Legal Services Society Family Law in BC Website: How to start a family law case (Supreme Court)]
* [http://www.familylaw.lss.bc.ca/guides/final/cantAgree/provincial/apply/steps.php Legal Services Society Family Law in BC Website: How to get a final family order (Provincial Court)
* [http://www.familylaw.lss.bc.ca/guides/final/cantAgree/provincial/apply/steps.php Legal Services Society Family Law in BC Website: How to get a final family order (Provincial Court)]
* [http://www.supremecourtbc.ca Justice Education Society Website for BC Supreme Court]
* [http://www.supremecourtbc.ca Justice Education Society Website for BC Supreme Court]

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{{JP Boyd on Family Law Navbox|type=chapters}}

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