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The Supreme Court of British Columbia is governed by the ''Supreme Court Civil Rules''.
The Supreme Court of British Columbia is governed by the ''Supreme Court Civil Rules''.

Actions for damages over $25,000 (effective September 1, 2005) come within the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. Although  LSLAP clinicians cannot appear in the Supreme Court, the following represents a brief overview of the procedure for bringing a case to trial at this level. 
A claim commenced in Supreme Court can be transferred to the Small Claims on application by one of the parties or by a judge on his or her own initiative. The judge must be satisfied that the monetary outcome of the claim will not exceed $25,000. Such an application should be made as  early as possible for a greater chance of success, and where appropriate, may be accompanied by an express statement by the plaintiff  abandoning any claim to damages in excess of $25,000.
==== a) Regular Trial ====
===== (1) The Notice of Civil Claim =====
A claim in the Supreme Court of British Columbia is initiated by filing a Notice of Civil Claim. The Notice of Civil Claim is served upon ICBC and the defendant(s). The IAR deals with situations where there are unknown drivers, hit and run accidents, etc. Where the defendant is an  uninsured motorist, ICBC will receive the pleadings and file a defence.
===== (2) The Response to Civil Claim =====
After the claim has been served, ICBC will appoint defence counsel on behalf of the insured, or on behalf of itself if there is an uninsured motorist, and file a Response to Civil Claim.
===== (3) Reserving a Trial Date =====
After the Response to Civil Claim is filed, the parties will reserve a trial date. The trial date usually falls approximately one to one-and-a-half years ahead. The reason for this delay is that the court registry is overbooked. The delay is not usually a problem since it takes some time to organize the trial and it is often not until some time after the accident that the full extent of the claimant’s injuries can be  determined. If additional time is required, when the trial date arrives, the trial can be adjourned by consent of the parties.
===== (4) The Examination for Discovery =====
Once the trial date is reserved, an Examination for Discovery may be held. Discovery of the plaintiff is initiated at the option of defence counsel and will typically occur six months to one year after the lawsuit is initiated. The Discovery will usually take one day but can last longer in certain cases. Prior to the  Discovery, defence counsel will scrutinize the claimant’s statements to the adjuster. At the Discovery,  the defence counsel will cross-examine the claimant about the manner in which the accident occurred and the extent of the claimant’s injuries.
Most cases are not settled until after the Discovery, since it is at this stage that defence counsel is able to assess the credibility and  seriousness of the claim and make a determination respecting the sort of damages to which the claimant may be entitled.


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