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Most cases are not settled until after the Discovery, since it is at this stage that defence counsel is able to assess the credibility and  seriousness of the claim and make a determination respecting the sort of damages to which the claimant may be entitled.  
Most cases are not settled until after the Discovery, since it is at this stage that defence counsel is able to assess the credibility and  seriousness of the claim and make a determination respecting the sort of damages to which the claimant may be entitled.  
==== b) Fast Track Litigation - Rule 15-1 ====
This rule was introduced to provide an efficient and less expensive means of dealing with cases where the trial will last 3 days or less.
Fast track litigation may apply to an action if:
#The only claims in the action are for money, real property, builder's lien, and/or personal property '''and''' the total of the following amounts  is $100,000 or less, exclusive of interest and costs:
#*a) the amount of any money claimed in the action by the plaintiff for pecuniary loss;
#*b) the amount of any money to be claimed in the action by the plaintiff for non-pecuniary loss; and
#*c) the fair market value, as at the date the action is commenced, of all real property, all interests in real property, all personal  property and all interests in personal property claimed in the action by the plaintiff.
#The trial of the action can be completed within 3 days
#The parties to the action consent, '''or'''
#The court, on its own motion or on the application of any party, so orders.
'''NOTE:''' The court is not prevented from awarding damages in excess of $100,000.
If this rule applies to an action, 1.any party may file a notice of fast track action in Form 61; 2.the filing party must serve all other parties on record with a copy; and3.the  words “Subject  to  Rule  15-1”  must  be  added  to  the  style  of  proceeding, immediately below the listed parties, for all documents filed after the notice of fast track action is filed or if the court so orders. This rule ceases to apply if the court, on its own motion or on application of any party, so orders. Parties to a fast track action can serve on another party a notice of application or  an  affidavit  in  support  of  an  application  ONLY  after  a  case  planning conference  or  a  trial  management  conference  has  been  conducted  in  relation to the action. This rule does not apply if: a.The court orders the fast track action to cease; b.If an application is made by a party, judge, or master to relieve a party from this requirement if            i.It  is  impracticable  or  unfair  to  require  the  party  to comply; orii.The fast track litigation application is urgent;


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