Mental Health Act: Consent to Medical Treatment (14:VI): Difference between revisions

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The following subsections apply only to patients voluntarily admitted to a mental health facility or voluntarily receiving treatment from a health care/psychiatric service provider. Patients admitted involuntarily lose certain rights (see [[Mental Health Act: Involuntarily Admitted Patients (14:VII) | Section VII]]).
== A. Adult’s Right to Consent ==
Every adult is presumed to be capable of giving, refusing or revoking consent to health care and to their presence at a care facility (HCCFA, s 3).
Every adult who is capable has the right to give, refuse and revoke consent on any grounds (including moral and religious), even if refusal will result in death (HCCFA, s 4).
Every adult who is capable has the right to be involved to the greatest degree possible in all case planning and decision making (HCCFA, s 4).
== B. Care Provider’s Duty to Obtain Consent ==
A health care provider must not provide health care to an adult without consent, except in an emergency situation or when substitute consent has been given and the care provider has made every reasonable effort to obtain a decision from the adult (HCCFA, ss 5, 12).
For consent to be valid, it must be related to the  proposed health care, voluntary, not obtained by fraud or misrepresentation, informed (see HCCFA, s 6(e)), and given after an opportunity to make inquiries about the procedure (HCCFA, s 6).
== C. Emergency Situations ==
A care provider may provide care to an adult without the adult’s consent in an emergency situation where the adult cannot give or refuse consent and no  personal guardian or representative is present (HCCFA, s 12). If a personal guardian or representative later becomes available and refuses consent, the care must stop (HCCFA, s 12(3)).
However, the above does not apply if the care provider has reasonable grounds to believe that the adult, while capable and after attaining 19 years of age, has expressed an instruction or wish applicable to the circumstances to refuse consent to the health care (HCCFA, s 12.1).
== D. Personal Guardians and Temporary Substitute Decision Makers ==
A care provider may provide care to an adult without the adult’s consent if the adult is incapable of giving or refusing consent and a personal guardian or representative gives consent (HCCFA, s 11).
If a personal guardian or representative refuses consent, the health care may be provided despite the refusal in an emergency if the person refusing consent  did not comply with their duties under the HCCFA or any other act (HCCFA, s 12.2).
A temporary substitute decision maker (TSDM) can be chosen by the care  provider in accordance with HCCFA, s 16. See HCCFA, ss 16-19 for the authority and duties of a TSDM.
In situations where a mentally ill person is judged to be incapable of making a health care decision, the provisions for a substitute decision maker under the  HCCFA continue to apply. However, if the person is declared an involuntary patient under s 22 of the MHA, then psychiatric treatment can be provided under the deemed consent provisions of s 32 of the MHA.
== E. Consent to Treatment Forms ==
When admitted to a mental health facility, voluntary patients (or their committees, parents,  guardians or representatives) may be asked to sign a “consent to treatment” form, which purports to “authorize the following treatment(s)”. There is no basis in law for requiring this form be signed as a prerequisite of a voluntary admission, but the law does not prohibit such a requirement.
Under the HCCFA, it is unlikely that mere signing of this form constitutes informed consent to treatment. Consent will be considered to be “informed” only where the patient has been informed of the nature of the risks and benefits of the specific treatment and of alternative treatments, and has agreed to be subject to the treatment.

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