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What's really important here is to anticipate every kind of problem that might arise during a relationship, talk about those problems ahead of time, and try to make an agreement about those problems will be handled before moving in together.
What's really important here is to anticipate every kind of problem that might arise during a relationship, talk about those problems ahead of time, and try to make an agreement about those problems will be handled before moving in together.

===Managing negotiations===
===Managing negotiations with lawyers===

When people in a pair relationship want to sign a family law agreement, one of them will usually hire a lawyer to write it up. The draft agreement goes to the other person, who reviews it with their lawyer. Quite often the second lawyer has a number of changes to make, and proposes these to the drafting lawyer. After a bit of back-and-forthing, a final draft is ready to sign. Most family law agreements that are written by lawyers include "certificates of independent legal advice." These get signed by the lawyers and the parties, and indicate that each person saw a lawyer about the agreement and that the lawyer explained to them how the agreement affects their rights and obligations as well as the alternatives to signing an agreement.

==Resources and links==
==Resources and links==

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