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In collaborative settlement processes, the parties, their divorce counsellors and their lawyers work together as a team to find a resolution of the issues arising from the breakdown of the parties' relationship, consulting experts such as child specialists and financial specialists as the need arises. This process seeks to address both the legal and the emotional consequences of the breakdown of a relationship.
This page provides a brief introduction to the collaborative processes, a step-by-step overview of the process, and a description of the roles played by each of the team members.
The breakdown of a married or common-law relationship is an extraordinarily difficult time for both parties. Contrary to the impression you might form from the rest of this website, a couple's legal difficulties are only one part of the whole experience of ending a long-term relationship. The purpose of the collaborative law process is to provide a nonadversarial way for both parties resolve their issues and emerge, at the end of the process, as emotionally- and psychologically-whole people.
The traditional legal approach to separation and divorce is adversarial by nature and usually aggravates the emotional difficulties couples face when their relationships breaks down rather than mitigating them. In the collaborative law process, on the other hand, the parties agree that they will not go to court.
Of course, not every couple is suited to the collaborative law approach. This process require honesty and good faith, both to oneself and towards each other. Sometimes the breakdown of a relationship is so full of anger and bitterness that no mediated approach will work. If both parties aren't willing to use and embrace the collaborative process, it simply will not work.
This segment provides a general look at the collaborative law process. Since this process is very much tailored to the unique circumstances of each couple, their preferences and those of their lawyers, you should what follows with a grain of salt. This description may not represent how you or your collaborative lawyer will prefer to do things.
===Finding a Lawyer===
The first step is for each spouse to find and hire a lawyer. You should look for a lawyer experienced in collaborative law, or at least one who is open to the idea; most lawyers who practice collaborative law will expressly describe themselves as collaborative lawyers in their promotional materials. The lawyers will then explain the collaborative law process to their respective clients, and then contact each other to begin the preparation of a collaborative law participation agreement.
A good place to start looking for a lawyer is the website of the collaborative law practice group nearest you.
* Collaborative Divorce Vancouver
* The Collaborative Association (Vancouver)
* North Shore Collaborative Family Law Group (Vancouver)
* Collaborative Family Law Group (Victoria)
* Okanagan Collaborative Family Law Group
* Collaborative Law Group of the Kootenays
A quick Google search for "collaborative law bc" should net you some additional resources, including collaborative family law lawyers in your area.
===The Participation Agreement===
The parties and their lawyers will enter into a written agreement that commits them to work together using non-adversarial problem-solving techniques and cooperative strategies to negotiate a fair settlement without going to court. The agreement will contain a number of important terms which are very important to understand. Among other things, most Participation Agreements will provide that:
* the parties are to discuss the issues in a frank and respectful manner, and not make unfounded accusations;
* while the collaborative law process is underway, neither party will commence litigation;
* if the collaborative law process ends, both parties must fire their lawyers and obtain new ones if they wish to litigate their dispute;
* either lawyer will be required to end the process if his or her client withholds or misrepresents information; and,
* all communications generated during the process are to be kept strictly confidential.
===Professional Advisors===
The parties and their lawyers then select the people who will be a part of their team (see below), their divorce coaches, the child specialist, if there are children involved, and their financial advisors, if there are complex financial issues. These professionals are neutral in their approach and are not hired to represent either party. Rather, their role is to help the process along by providing obective options and opinions about the subjects at issue.
The team then begins the process of making disclosure of all documents and information relevant to the issues between the parties. This is process is not a poker game, with each spouse bluffing the other and whatnot, this process requires absolute and unswerving honesty.
The parties produce their documents and information to the other on the understanding that the information, except for legal documents like Financial Statements, and the content of the negotiations will never be used in court and will remain private and confidential between the people involved in the collaborative law process.
===The Negotiation Process===
Once full disclosure has been made, the parties then begin to negotiate the terms of a settlement, relying on the advice and input of their respective lawyers and the other team members to craft a resolution which both parties are as happy with as possible. You can expect that this will be a process of mutual compromise, and that neither of you will wind up with an agreement which reflects your original positions!
You may want to have a look at the segment "Tips for Successful Mediation" in the Alternatives to Court > Mediation chapter for information about communications skills that can be helpful during the negotiation process.
Along the way, depending on the nature of the issues, one or more interim agreements may be reached. These are not meant to be a final determination of the issues, rather they are temporary, stop-gap issues designed to deal with issues like the sale of the family home if money is needed, the parties' time with the children over holidays, and so forth. These interim agreements will fall by the wayside when a final agreement is reached.
===The Final Agreeement===
The terms of the resolution are then put into either a formal separation agreement or are drafted as an order that the parties will ask the court to make by consent.
The link below will open a sample participation agreement in a new window. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file, a free program available for download from Adobe Software.
In this sample, our fictitious parties, Jane Doe and John Doe, are entering into a participation agreement with their lawyers, Alice Smith and Sylvia Black.
Participation Agreement
This sample document is just that: a sample. While it represents a more or less accurate picture of how these sorts of agreements might look, it may not be applicable to your situation nor may it reflect the agreement you will enter into if you chose the collaborative law process. Use it as a reference only.
==The Team==
The collaborative law team is made up of psychological counsellors ("divorce coaches"), family law lawyers, a financial specialist and a child specialist who work together with the spouses and their children. The degree to which each of these types of professional may become involved will depend on the particular circumstances of each couple. For some couples, the child specialist will become a key member, for others it may be their divorce coaches; when the financial issues are straightforward, the financial specialist may be unnecessary.
===The Lawyers===
The role of the lawyers in the collaborative law process is to advance the needs and protect the interests of each client. The lawyers advise their clients on their legal rights and obligations, and provide them with information about the law, and likely long- and short-term results of any particular course of action.
===The Divorce Coaches===
The divorce coaches are counsellors. They help guide their clients through emotional turbulence of the breakdown of their relationship and assist each party in maintaining an objective view of the situation. They may also help their clients develop their views on the issues and teach them effective communication strategies.
===The Financial Advisor===
This person is a neutral party in the process, someone without any loyalty to one spouse or the other who is able to look at things objectively and impartially. His or her job is to present options to help the parties deal with the financial aspects of their relationship, in terms of both the present and the long-term future.
===The Child Specialist===
This person is another neutral party whose job is to represent the interests of the children, without any loyalty duty to either parent. While all the members of the process are concerned about the best interests of the children, the purposes of the child specialist are to ensure that the children remain a primary concern, that the parties develop a proper parenting plan, and to help identify and address issues regarding the children's future care.

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