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* <span style="color: red;">bulleted list of linked legislation referred to in page</span>
* ''[http://canlii.ca/t/84fk Vital Statistics Act]''
Vital Stats Act, Name Act
* ''[http://canlii.ca/t/8481 Name Act]''


* <span style="color: red;">bulleted list of linked external websites referred to in page</span>
* [http://www.vs.gov.bc.ca/forms/vsa404w_fill.pdf Registration of Live Birth Form]
* list of related public resources
* [http://www.vs.gov.bc.ca/ Vital Statistics Agency]
Min of Health, Vital Stats, Vital Stat's "babynames" webpage
* [http://www.vs.gov.bc.ca/name/howto.html Vital Statistics Agency: How to apply for a name change]
* [http://www.vs.gov.bc.ca/forms/vsa529.pdf Application for Change of Name]
* [http://www.vs.gov.bc.ca/babynames/ Vital Statistics Agency Website: Most popular baby names]

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