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<blockquote>'''5. Examine each other out of court.''' The parties may, if they wish, question each other outside of court, in a formal setting before a court reporter. This is called an ''examination for discovery.'' Examinations for discovery, also called ''discoveries'', are helpful to get the each person's views of the evidence and the issues on the record. Discoveries are almost always held after Financial Statements have been prepared and documents have been exchanged.</blockquote>
<blockquote>'''5. Examine each other out of court.''' The parties may, if they wish, question each other outside of court, in a formal setting before a court reporter. This is called an ''examination for discovery.'' Examinations for discovery, also called ''discoveries'', are helpful to get the each person's views of the evidence and the issues on the record. Discoveries are almost always held after Financial Statements have been prepared and documents have been exchanged.</blockquote>

<blockquote>'''6. Have a Settlement Conference.''' The rules of court allow a party to schedule a Settlement Conference before a judge ahead of trial. At this hearing, the parties will explain their positions and areas of disagreement to the judge, and hopefully negotiate a settlement. These conferences can be very helpful; the judge will serve as a mediator and help the parties work towards a settlement. The judge may also express his or her opinion about the strengths and weaknesses of each party's position, which also encourages settlement.</blockquote>
<blockquote>'''6. Have a settlement conference.''' The rules of court allow a party to schedule a settlement conference before a judge ahead of trial. At this hearing, the parties will explain their positions and areas of disagreement to the judge, and hopefully negotiate a settlement. These conferences can be very helpful; the judge will serve as a mediator and help the parties work towards a settlement. The judge may also express his or her opinion about the strengths and weaknesses of each party's position, which also encourages settlement.</blockquote>

<blockquote>'''7. Have a Trial Management Conference (TMC).''' A TMC is a formal hearing before a judge designed to fix the schedule of events at the trial and resolve as many disputes about evidence before trial as possible. Among other things, the judge will ask about the witnesses each party intends to present, the completeness of the disclosure made to date, expert's reports and expert witnesses, and anything else that can be dealt with to help make sure the trial will go ahead and be completed within the time available. A TMC is generally not an opportunity to engage in settlement discussions.</blockquote>
<blockquote>'''7. Have a Trial Management Conference (TMC).''' A TMC is a formal hearing before a judge designed to fix the schedule of events at the trial and resolve as many disputes about evidence before trial as possible. Among other things, the judge will ask about the witnesses each party intends to present, the completeness of the disclosure made to date, expert's reports and expert witnesses, and anything else that can be dealt with to help make sure the trial will go ahead and be completed within the time available. A TMC is generally not an opportunity to engage in settlement discussions.</blockquote>


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