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*'''Coerced Organ Removal''': There is a high demand for organs on the black market around the world. Coerced organ removal is often conducted in clandestine clinics, with little or no attention to the person’s postoperative care and little payment to the person.It is important to remember that no one can legally consent to being exploited. For example, someone agrees to move to Canada because they have been promised employment in a legitimate job. Instead, they are coerced through fear and threats of violence, into forced labour. The fact that an individual may have consented to work in Canada cannot be used as a way to justify their working in conditions as described above.
*'''Coerced Organ Removal''': There is a high demand for organs on the black market around the world. Coerced organ removal is often conducted in clandestine clinics, with little or no attention to the person’s postoperative care and little payment to the person.It is important to remember that no one can legally consent to being exploited. For example, someone agrees to move to Canada because they have been promised employment in a legitimate job. Instead, they are coerced through fear and threats of violence, into forced labour. The fact that an individual may have consented to work in Canada cannot be used as a way to justify their working in conditions as described above.

==How Does Human Trafficking Differ from Human Smuggling?==
==How does human trafficking differ from human smuggling?==

The crime of human trafficking does not require the movement of a person across a border. By definition human smuggling is a transnational crime. Human smuggling, also known as migrant smuggling, means helping someone enter a country illegally in exchange for some form of payment. This can involve dangerous travel conditions or the use of false identity documents under the consent of the smuggled person. People may be smuggled individually or as part of a large group.  
The crime of human trafficking does not require the movement of a person across a border. By definition human smuggling is a transnational crime. Human smuggling, also known as migrant smuggling, means helping someone enter a country illegally in exchange for some form of payment. This can involve dangerous travel conditions or the use of false identity documents under the consent of the smuggled person. People may be smuggled individually or as part of a large group.  


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