Chapter Seven Resources and Appendix in Legal Issues in Residential Care

From Clicklaw Wikibooks

Table 1 Summary of Substitute Decision Making Tools[edit]

Power of Attorney Representation Agreement Advance Directive Committee of Guardian
TSDM /General/ Enduring /Springing Section 7/ Section 9 Of Person?Of Estate
RA7 Fin/RA7 P&HC
Does it still function if resident is incapable? Yes (only)/ No/ Yes/ Yes Yes/ Yes/ Yes Yes (only) Yes (only) / Yes (only)
Does it cover…?
Health Decisions Yes(only/ No/ No/ No/ No No/ Yes(ii)/ Yes (iii) Yes/ Yes No
Personal Care No/ No/ No/ No No/ Yes/ Yes(iii) No Yes/ No
Finances No/ Yes/ Yes/ Yes/ Yes(iv)/ No/ No (v) No No/ Yes

Legal No/ May(i)/ Yes/ Yes Yes/ No/ No No/ No/ Yes

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by BC Centre for Elder Advocacy and Support, June 2014.