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{{REVIEWEDPLS | reviewer = [ Dean Davison], Davison North Law|date= January 2020}} {{Dial-A-Law TOC|expanded = consumer}}

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The TV won’t turn on. That computer doesn’t have Wi-Fi. The blender doesn’t blend. The item broke. The salespeople lied. Don’t forget that you have rights. Let’s get after it.
This script discusses what you can do if you’ve bought a product or items (called “goods”), which turn out to be defective.

==When you buy goods, you are making a contract with the seller==
==What you should know==
Your rights as a buyer depend on the terms of the contract. Those terms can be either “express” or “implied”.

==What is an “express” term?==
===Remedies available to you===
An express term is one that you and the seller actually agree upon. It doesn’t matter if your agreement was verbal, or written, or a bit of both. If the seller doesn’t give you what was agreed, then you have certain rights to get what you agreed to or get your money back.
If your new toaster clashes with your countertop, that’s not the manufacturer’s fault. If it doesn’t toast, that certainly is. If something you bought doesn’t work, you may be entitled to a refund, a repair, or a replacement.

==Guarantees and warranties are common types of express terms==
When you buy something, that’s a contract. If the other side doesn’t do what they promised (like sell you a bike that works), they’ve '''broken the contract'''.
Look carefully at them in your purchase contract. Often your rights under a guarantee or warranty depend on you following certain operating or cleaning instructions. For example, in the case of a car, your rights under the warranty might only apply if you get the car regularly serviced at an authorized dealer. And some goods are sold for certain purposes or uses only. Using the goods for uses not intended would void (or cancel) the warranty.

==What is an “implied” term?==
When this happens, a handful of solutions are available. The law calls these '''remedies'''.
Purchase contracts can also have implied terms. Implied terms are those that the law includes in a contract between a buyer and seller in certain circumstances.

==There are four implied terms when you buy new goods==
Let’s say that on your first ride with that new bike, the frame breaks. The law offers these potential solutions:
In BC, the ''Sale of Goods Act'' says there are four implied terms, called “conditions,” that exist in particular contracts for the purchase and sale of new items. If the seller breaks the condition or doesn’t carry out a condition of the contract, then you (the buyer) have the right to reject the goods and cancel the contract. You’re entitled to get back the money you paid, plus compensation for any extra expenses caused by the defective goods.  

The four implied terms are:
* The contract is '''cancelled'''. Return the bike and get a refund.
*The goods must match the description or the sample.
*The goods must be reasonably fit for your purpose for them.
* You’re awarded '''compensation'''. The seller must repair or replace the bike — and if you broke your leg when the frame broke, you may be entitled to compensation for that too.
*The goods must be of merchantable quality.
*The goods must last for a reasonable time.
* The seller is ordered to '''perform''' the contract. In other words, they have to provide you with a working bike.

==First, the goods must match the description or sample==
If what went wrong was essential to the purchase (that broken frame), you’re entitled to cancel the contract. If it wasn’t essential (a squeaky pedal), you’re likely entitled to a partial refund, but you can’t return the bike.
If you were shown a sample of the goods, there’s an implied condition that the goods will match their description or match the sample. An example of goods sold by sample is carpeting. If the carpet that ends up on your floor isn’t the same as the sample you saw in the showroom, you don’t have to accept it. Similarly, if the goods are sold by description, there’s an implied condition that the goods will match the description. Catalogue sales are a good example of a sale by description. If you ordered something from a catalogue, you have the right to send it back if it isn’t the same as the description.

==Second, the goods must be reasonably fit for their purpose==
===If something is faulty===
There’s an implied condition that the goods will be reasonably fit for the buyer’s purpose. There are, however, two catches to this condition:
The law requires a baseline level of quality for the things you buy. When you buy something from a business, the product has to:
* be fit for the purpose you bought it for
* work and be undamaged
* be durable for a reasonable period of time
* match the advertised description

*This condition only applies if it’s the seller’s business to sell things, and the goods are things he or she usually sells. So a private sale between two individuals isn’t covered, or if your hairdresser orders you a computer, that also isn’t covered.
These conditions are sometimes referred to as the '''legal warranty'''.
*Further, this condition only applies if you explained to the seller how you planned to use the goods and also explained that you were relying on his or her skill and judgment. For example, if you go to a hardware store and tell the saleswoman you want a saw to cut metal pipes, and she sells you a saw that only cuts light wood, you would have a case for saying that the saw isn’t reasonably fit for the purpose for which you bought it. But if you just picked up the saw yourself (thinking it should work for metal pipes) and took it home without any discussion, you wouldn’t have the right to cancel the contract, because you didn’t explain to the seller why you needed the saw. Also, if the seller gave you notice of the intended use (for example, a label says “this is a saw for cutting wood only”) and you used it differently, like metal cutting, then you couldn’t rely on this condition to get your money back.

==The third condition is that the goods must be of merchantable quality==
If any of these conditions aren’t met, you’re entitled to cancel the contract. Act immediately if you want to do that. If you wait, it’s harder to prove the defect isn’t just normal wear and tear.
There’s an implied condition that the product won’t have any defects if you buy it by description from someone who sells that type of goods. So, it applies to catalogue sales and most mail order sales. But it wouldn’t apply if you bought something privately through the classified ads, for example. It also wouldn’t apply if you examined the goods first and had a chance to discover any defects before buying.

==The fourth condition is that the goods will last for a reasonable period of time==
If the item was damaged by regular use, an accident or misuse, you likely won’t be covered. As well, the law likely won’t help if you examined the goods beforehand and ought to have spotted the problem.
Of course, this implied condition only applies if you use the product as intended. It won’t apply if the goods are put to some use for which they weren’t made. You can’t say that an ordinary vacuum cleaner designed for household dust hasn’t lasted for a reasonable time if it breaks down while using it to suck up heavy construction debris.

==What should you do if you discover the goods you’ve bought are defective?==
===If the seller misled you===
You should immediately return the goods to the seller. Request an exchange for replacement goods. If a replacement product isn’t available, ask for a refund. If the product isn’t suitable for its use, then you’ll only want a refund. Also, don’t continue to use the defective goods until you return them or after demanding a refund or exchange. If you continue to use the defective product, you could and probably will lose the right to return it.
The seller can’t tell you something misleading or deceiving, or take advantage of you.

==What if trying to return the goods doesn’t work?==
If the seller has lied about something essential (they said it’s four-wheel drive, but it isn’t) you may be entitled to a refund. If it’s non-essential (they said 24 kms per litre, but really it gets 18), you’re likely entitled to some compensation, but you can’t cancel the contract.
Then tell the seller in writing that you’re rejecting the goods. Act quickly. If after writing and attempting to return the goods, you’re still met with resistance in obtaining either a replacement or refund, insist on leaving the defective goods with the seller, and get a dated receipt indicating this. Then make your complaint to the store’s customer complaint department, and if you still don’t get any satisfaction, complain to the president of the company and tell the company in writing that you intend to sue.

==In general, your best protection as a consumer is to be well informed==
We’ve got more information on what is misleading or acting unfairly. See our information on [ the basics of making a purchase].
And if a seller makes promises or guarantees that you’re relying on, make sure those promises are in writing and that you understand them.

==Where can you get help or more information?==
===If a cooling-off period applies===
*You can call the Better Business Bureau. They may propose mediation or arbitration as informal ways to resolve your dispute. You and the seller must both agree to this. With mediation, a qualified third party mediator helps to facilitate a mutually acceptable resolution. With arbitration, an arbitrator hears both sides of the story and then makes a decision that is legally binding. The phone number for the Better Business Bureau for mainland BC is 604.682.2711 (website []) and 250.386.6348 for Vancouver Island (website []).
A '''cooling-off period''' means a stretch of time, after the purchase, when you can decide this product doesn’t spark joy after all, and return it. You can cancel the contract without penalty. ''You don’t need to give a reason''.
*You may also contact one of the various consumer agencies listed on Consumer Protection BC’s website at [] under its "How Can We Help?” page (under the “Help for Consumers” tab), or phone Consumer Protection BC at 1.888.564.9963 for guidance.
*If the goods you’ve bought aren’t defective, but don’t live up to the glowing promises made by the seller, refer to Script [[Dishonest Business Practices and Schemes (Script 260)|260]] on “Dishonest Business Practices and Schemes”.

Not every purchase features a cooling-off period. It's available in some situations but not others. And the length of the cooling-off period varies depending on what you’re buying.

[updated February 2013]
Cooling-off periods apply in these situations:
* When you buy something in person, but not at the business location (like a door-to-door sale), you have a cooling-off period of 10 days after you receive a copy of the contract.
* When you receive services on an ongoing basis (like a yoga or gym pass), you have a cooling-off period of 10 days after you receive a copy of the contract.
* When signing a cellphone contract, you have a cooling-off period of 15 days after your cellphone service begins.

Two more examples:
* When leasing a car, you have a one “clear” (full) day after you sign to reconsider.
* If you buy a newly built condo, you have a cooling-off period of seven days after you sign the contract or acknowledge seeing the developer’s disclosure statement, whichever comes last.

For a product or service you buy online, you may or may not have a cooling-off period. It depends on the circumstances. We’ve got specific content on this if you’re interested. [ See our information on online shopping].

Otherwise, keep in mind that a store’s return policy may be able to help.

===If there is a return policy===
If you bought something from a retail store and have changed your mind, check the store’s policy on returns.
It’s best to know this policy in advance, especially for a big purchase. Some larger items, or electronics, have a stricter return policy.
First and always, keep your receipt! Often it has the return policy printed on it.
Check the following:
* How many days until the return period expires. If there’s no time limit, great!
* Whether you can have used the product before returning it.
* Whether there are any “restocking” or other charges.
Some stores offer a satisfaction guarantee. This is a great thing for consumers! It gives you the legal right to return the product for a full refund, even if what you bought is perfectly alright.
Always remember, as a consumer, you have rights. (And a duty to keep businesses honest!) Let’s move on to how you can deal with these sorts of problems.
==Take action==
===Step 1. Decide what outcome you’re seeking===
Once you understand your legal rights and options, decide what outcome you’re after. Do you want to return the item and get your money back? Do you want to keep the item but get things put right?
===Step 2. Collect your information===
Collect copies of any documents, such as any contract, receipts, correspondence, advertising, or warranty. Prepare notes. Include:
* details of the problem, including when you first noticed it
* anything the other party said that you relied on in making the purchase or contract
* what outcome you’re seeking
===Step 3. Contact the other party===
{| class="wikitable"
If there’s a cooling-off period, you need to give the other party written notice telling them you want to cancel. (Email is best; a regular letter can take time and may not get to them before the cooling-off period ends!) Once they get the notice and you return the item, you have no further legal obligations under the contract.
Start by finding the right person to talk to about the problem. If there’s a complaints department, use it. If there isn't, talk to someone in authority, such as a manager or owner.
They may say you have to make your complaint in writing. If they do, get a name and address of the person to contact.
Be firm and businesslike, but polite. Let them know you understand what you’re entitled to. Tell them what you want them to do to resolve the problem.
Promises are one thing, but followup is key. The person may agree to do what you suggest, but confirm when they will do this. Ask them for their name so you can refer to the conversation later. Follow up with a written note confirming what was agreed to.
If the person doesn’t agree to do what you suggest, ask who you can contact with a formal complaint. Get the address of that person.
Make notes of your conversation. Date your notes.
===Step 4. Send a complaint letter===
If discussing the situation with the other party doesn’t resolve the problem, the next step is to send a complaint letter to them. We’ve got a template for you ready to go. [ Here's our complaint template].
===Step 5. Take to social media===
You can also take to social media to voice your concerns. Be accurate. Be truthful. You may end up getting what you want. Companies are eager to protect their reputations. If none of this works, there are agencies that can help.
==Who can help==
===Helpful agencies===
Shoddy goods? Seller refusing to give you a refund? If you need help with that or other consumer-related issues, there are agencies that can help.
:'''Consumer Protection BC'''
:Assistance relating to certain types of consumer problems and contracts in BC.
:Call 1-888-564-9963
:[[|Send email]]
:[ Visit website]
:'''Better Business Bureau'''
:Might not solve problems, but helps people find businesses they can trust.
:Call 1-888-803-1222
:[ Visit website]
:'''Competition Bureau'''
:Deals with complaints about false or misleading advertising.
:Call 1-800-348-5358
:[ Visit website]
===Legal advice===
Affordable legal help '''does''' exist. (To be fair, two of these are options for help, and the third — the online tribunal — is a cheap and fast option to resolve a dispute yourself.)
:'''Lawyer Referral Service'''
:Helps you connect with a lawyer for a complimentary 15-minute consult to see if you want to hire them.
:Call 1-800-663-1919
:[ Visit website]
:'''Access Pro Bono's Free Legal Advice'''
:Volunteer lawyers provide 30 minutes of free legal advice to people with low or modest income.
:Call 1-877-762-6664
:[ Visit website]
:'''Civil Resolution Tribunal'''
:Resolve disputes of less than $5,000 online 24/7 (no need for a lawyer!).
:[ Visit website]
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{{Dial-A-Law Copyright}}

Latest revision as of 00:42, 7 November 2023

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by Dean Davison, Davison North Law in January 2020.

The TV won’t turn on. That computer doesn’t have Wi-Fi. The blender doesn’t blend. The item broke. The salespeople lied. Don’t forget that you have rights. Let’s get after it.

What you should know

Remedies available to you

If your new toaster clashes with your countertop, that’s not the manufacturer’s fault. If it doesn’t toast, that certainly is. If something you bought doesn’t work, you may be entitled to a refund, a repair, or a replacement.

When you buy something, that’s a contract. If the other side doesn’t do what they promised (like sell you a bike that works), they’ve broken the contract.

When this happens, a handful of solutions are available. The law calls these remedies.

Let’s say that on your first ride with that new bike, the frame breaks. The law offers these potential solutions:

  • The contract is cancelled. Return the bike and get a refund.
  • You’re awarded compensation. The seller must repair or replace the bike — and if you broke your leg when the frame broke, you may be entitled to compensation for that too.
  • The seller is ordered to perform the contract. In other words, they have to provide you with a working bike.

If what went wrong was essential to the purchase (that broken frame), you’re entitled to cancel the contract. If it wasn’t essential (a squeaky pedal), you’re likely entitled to a partial refund, but you can’t return the bike.

If something is faulty

The law requires a baseline level of quality for the things you buy. When you buy something from a business, the product has to:

  • be fit for the purpose you bought it for
  • work and be undamaged
  • be durable for a reasonable period of time
  • match the advertised description

These conditions are sometimes referred to as the legal warranty.

If any of these conditions aren’t met, you’re entitled to cancel the contract. Act immediately if you want to do that. If you wait, it’s harder to prove the defect isn’t just normal wear and tear.

If the item was damaged by regular use, an accident or misuse, you likely won’t be covered. As well, the law likely won’t help if you examined the goods beforehand and ought to have spotted the problem.

If the seller misled you

The seller can’t tell you something misleading or deceiving, or take advantage of you.

If the seller has lied about something essential (they said it’s four-wheel drive, but it isn’t) you may be entitled to a refund. If it’s non-essential (they said 24 kms per litre, but really it gets 18), you’re likely entitled to some compensation, but you can’t cancel the contract.

We’ve got more information on what is misleading or acting unfairly. See our information on the basics of making a purchase.

If a cooling-off period applies

A cooling-off period means a stretch of time, after the purchase, when you can decide this product doesn’t spark joy after all, and return it. You can cancel the contract without penalty. You don’t need to give a reason.

Not every purchase features a cooling-off period. It's available in some situations but not others. And the length of the cooling-off period varies depending on what you’re buying.

Cooling-off periods apply in these situations:

  • When you buy something in person, but not at the business location (like a door-to-door sale), you have a cooling-off period of 10 days after you receive a copy of the contract.
  • When you receive services on an ongoing basis (like a yoga or gym pass), you have a cooling-off period of 10 days after you receive a copy of the contract.
  • When signing a cellphone contract, you have a cooling-off period of 15 days after your cellphone service begins.

Two more examples:

  • When leasing a car, you have a one “clear” (full) day after you sign to reconsider.
  • If you buy a newly built condo, you have a cooling-off period of seven days after you sign the contract or acknowledge seeing the developer’s disclosure statement, whichever comes last.

For a product or service you buy online, you may or may not have a cooling-off period. It depends on the circumstances. We’ve got specific content on this if you’re interested. See our information on online shopping.

Otherwise, keep in mind that a store’s return policy may be able to help.

If there is a return policy

If you bought something from a retail store and have changed your mind, check the store’s policy on returns.

It’s best to know this policy in advance, especially for a big purchase. Some larger items, or electronics, have a stricter return policy.

First and always, keep your receipt! Often it has the return policy printed on it.

Check the following:

  • How many days until the return period expires. If there’s no time limit, great!
  • Whether you can have used the product before returning it.
  • Whether there are any “restocking” or other charges.

Some stores offer a satisfaction guarantee. This is a great thing for consumers! It gives you the legal right to return the product for a full refund, even if what you bought is perfectly alright.

Always remember, as a consumer, you have rights. (And a duty to keep businesses honest!) Let’s move on to how you can deal with these sorts of problems.

Take action

Step 1. Decide what outcome you’re seeking

Once you understand your legal rights and options, decide what outcome you’re after. Do you want to return the item and get your money back? Do you want to keep the item but get things put right?

Step 2. Collect your information

Collect copies of any documents, such as any contract, receipts, correspondence, advertising, or warranty. Prepare notes. Include:

  • details of the problem, including when you first noticed it
  • anything the other party said that you relied on in making the purchase or contract
  • what outcome you’re seeking

Step 3. Contact the other party


If there’s a cooling-off period, you need to give the other party written notice telling them you want to cancel. (Email is best; a regular letter can take time and may not get to them before the cooling-off period ends!) Once they get the notice and you return the item, you have no further legal obligations under the contract.

Start by finding the right person to talk to about the problem. If there’s a complaints department, use it. If there isn't, talk to someone in authority, such as a manager or owner.

They may say you have to make your complaint in writing. If they do, get a name and address of the person to contact.

Be firm and businesslike, but polite. Let them know you understand what you’re entitled to. Tell them what you want them to do to resolve the problem.

Promises are one thing, but followup is key. The person may agree to do what you suggest, but confirm when they will do this. Ask them for their name so you can refer to the conversation later. Follow up with a written note confirming what was agreed to.

If the person doesn’t agree to do what you suggest, ask who you can contact with a formal complaint. Get the address of that person.

Make notes of your conversation. Date your notes.

Step 4. Send a complaint letter

If discussing the situation with the other party doesn’t resolve the problem, the next step is to send a complaint letter to them. We’ve got a template for you ready to go. Here's our complaint template.

Step 5. Take to social media

You can also take to social media to voice your concerns. Be accurate. Be truthful. You may end up getting what you want. Companies are eager to protect their reputations. If none of this works, there are agencies that can help.

Who can help

Helpful agencies

Shoddy goods? Seller refusing to give you a refund? If you need help with that or other consumer-related issues, there are agencies that can help.

Consumer Protection BC
Assistance relating to certain types of consumer problems and contracts in BC.
Call 1-888-564-9963
Send email
Visit website
Better Business Bureau
Might not solve problems, but helps people find businesses they can trust.
Call 1-888-803-1222
Visit website
Competition Bureau
Deals with complaints about false or misleading advertising.
Call 1-800-348-5358
Visit website

Legal advice

Affordable legal help does exist. (To be fair, two of these are options for help, and the third — the online tribunal — is a cheap and fast option to resolve a dispute yourself.)

Lawyer Referral Service
Helps you connect with a lawyer for a complimentary 15-minute consult to see if you want to hire them.
Call 1-800-663-1919
Visit website
Access Pro Bono's Free Legal Advice
Volunteer lawyers provide 30 minutes of free legal advice to people with low or modest income.
Call 1-877-762-6664
Visit website
Civil Resolution Tribunal
Resolve disputes of less than $5,000 online 24/7 (no need for a lawyer!).
Visit website
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence Dial-A-Law © People's Law School is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 4.0 International Licence.