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Adoption registries and reunion services can help adopted people and their relatives reconnect. Learn how British Columbia’s '''adoption registries''' work.

This script explains the different adoption registries in BC. It includes information on:
==What you should know==

the Birth Father Registry
===Registries help connect adopted people with their relatives===
making an “openness agreement” after a child has been adopted
Many adopted people want to know about their birth parents. Often, birth parents want to know how a child they placed for adoption is doing. Many adopted people and birth parents want to meet each other.
searching for an adopted child or birth parent
Society’s attitudes toward adoption have changed over the years
Many people who were adopted want to know about their origins. Many birth mothers want to know how the child they placed for adoption is doing. And many adopted people and birth parents want to meet one another. In BC, several adoption registries exist to help connect birth parents, adoptive parents and adoptees with each other. These include the following registries:

Birth Father Registry
In BC, there are '''registries''' that help put relatives separated by adoption back in touch.
Post-Adoption Openness Registry
Exchange Registry
Adoption Reunion Registry
What is the Birth Father Registry?
A biological father who registers with the Birth Father Registry is entitled to receive written notice of a proposed adoption placement, which gives him the opportunity to be involved in the planning for his child. The father can register any time before the birth and up to 150 days after the date that the child was placed. There’s no fee to register.

What is the Post-Adoption Openness Registry?
====Parents Registry====
Many people believe that adoption creates a permanent kinship network between birth and adoptive families, and that adoption shouldn’t sever relationships – it should create them. They believe that an on-going relationship with birth parents and other birth family members can help an adopted child develop a healthy sense of identity and belonging. The Post-Adoption Openness Registry is meant for birth parents, adoptive parents and relatives of an adopted child under the age of 19 who wish to communicate with each other after the child has been adopted, if no “openness agreement” was made before the adoption order. There are no fees to register.
Birth parents of a child placed for adoption [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/life-events/birth-adoption/adoptions/adoption-reunions-registries/birth-parents-registry can register with the Parents Registry]. This allows them to receive notice of adoption details. It also lets them be involved in the adoption planning. Parents can register any time before the child’s birth and up to 150 days after the child was placed for adoption. There’s no fee to register.

How does the Post-Adoption Openness Registry work?
====Post-Adoption Openness Registry====
Once an application is made, the registry is checked to see if there’s a match. For example, if both the adoptive parents and the birth mother register, then there’s a match. Registry staff will contact you to discuss the type of openness you want. You’ll be asked to arrange for a facilitator to help you reach an openness agreement acceptable to both of you – be it saving letters and photographs to give to the adopted child at a certain age, or a continuing exchange of letters or phone calls, or even visits.
When an adoption order is granted for a child under 19 years old, the door opens for potential reconnections. Adoptive parents, birth parents, and relatives can decide to share information with the adopted child, and communicate with each other. To do so they [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/life-events/birth-adoption/adoptions/adoption-reunions-registries/post-adoption-openness-registry register with the Post-Adoption Openness Registry]. They choose the level of contact they want. They also decide how much they want to reveal about themselves. There are no fees to register.

In figuring out how much openness is best, the best interest of the child is the most important consideration. And participation is voluntary – both the adoptive parents and the birth mother or relatives must register.
====Adoption Reunion Registry====
[https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/life-events/birth-adoption/adoptions/adoption-reunions-registries/adoption-reunion-registry The Adoption Reunion Registry] connects people over 19 years old who were involved in a BC adoption. Adopted adults can search for their birth parents or siblings. Birth parents who placed a child for adoption can start searching for them as soon as the child turns 19.

An application to the Post-Adoption Openness Registry stays in effect until the adopted child reaches 19 years of age, at which time, if no match has been made, an application can be made to the Adoption Reunion Registry (discussed later in this script).
===How the Post-Adoption Openness Registry works===
After an adoption order is made for a child under age 19, those involved in the adoption — including adoptive parents, birth parents, and other relatives — can exchange information by [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/life-events/birth-adoption/adoptions/adoption-reunions-registries/post-adoption-openness-registry registering in the Post-Adoption Openness Registry]. The adults may choose to share things like medical information, letters, cards and pictures. Or they may opt for full disclosure and exchange of names and addresses for direct contact.

What is the Exchange Registry?
====A successful match====
The Exchange Registry is used by people who have negotiated a non-identifying openness agreement, where the adoptive family and the birth family don’t communicate directly with each other, but through the registry. It facilitates communication between the adoptive family and the birth family as agreed to in their openness agreement. Communications are sent to the Exchange Registry, which redirects that to the other person or family. The Exchange Registry remains in effect until the adopted child turns 19. After that point, the adult adoptee or the birth family member can apply to the Adoption Reunion Registry to make direct contact with each other.
When you [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/life-events/birth-adoption/adoptions/adoption-reunions-registries/post-adoption-openness-registry apply to register], the registry checks to see if anyone else involved in the adoption is in the system. For example, if both the adoptive parents and the birth mother are registered, that’s a match. The registry will only contact parties if there’s a match.

What is the Adoption Reunion Registry?
====Reaching an openness agreement====
The Adoption Reunion Registry connects adopted adults with their birth families. This government registry can help if the adoption took place in BC. Everyone must be 19 or over – you must be an adult, and the person you want to connect with must also be an adult.
The registry will next ask the matched parties about the level of contact they want. The parties can choose full disclosure and direct contact, or a non-identifying exchange of information. If one or both want the second (less direct) option, a social worker will help them make an '''openness agreement'''. This type of agreement sets out the ways that birth parents, relatives, and the adoptive family will communicate after the adoption process is complete.

The Adoption Reunion Registry operates two registries:
Any decision to enter into an openness agreement must be made with care. The best interests of the adopted child should determine how it’s constructed. Its success depends on the voluntary cooperation of everyone involved.

a Passive Registry
====How long registration lasts====
an Active Registry
An application to the Post-Adoption Openness Registry lasts until the adopted child reaches age 19, a match is made, or the application is withdrawn in writing. If there’s no match by the time the child turns 19, a different, adult registry comes into play. Interested parties can then apply to the Adoption Reunion Registry.
How does the Passive Registry work?
If you register your name, and the person you’re looking for also registers for contact with you on the Passive Registry, a match is made. A staff social worker will then contact both of you by letter or telephone and help you to make contact with each other.

How does the Active Registry work?
====How the Adoption Reunion Registry works====
After you register, staff will actively search for the person you want to locate. If they succeed, a social worker will then contact you to discuss the next step. If the person you’re looking for also wants a reunion, the social worker will explore with both of you the type of contact you want, i.e., letters, phone calls, or a meeting or visits in person. The social worker will stay involved for a limited period of time to assist in facilitating the contact.
[https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/life-events/birth-adoption/adoptions/adoption-reunions-registries/adoption-reunion-registry The Adoption Reunion Registry] connects people over age 19 who were involved in a BC adoption. Everyone must be age 19 or over when the connection is made.

Who can apply to register on the Adoption Reunion Registry?
The registry operates a passive registry. In some cases, though, it can help with an active search.
Adult adoptees, birth parents, birth siblings of an adopted adult and other birth relatives can all apply. There are different requirements, depending on who you are.

You register by mail
====Passive registry====
If you’re the adult adoptee or birth mother, you need to submit the following three documents:
For adoptions that happened in BC, people who have been adopted, as well as their birth parents, siblings, and other relatives, can register to connect.

A signed application form
The '''passive registry''' requires interest from both sides. The registry is looking for a match. That can only happen if both parties are registered. If there’s a match, the registry will contact both parties and help them connect.
A copy of your birth certificate (as proof of your identity)
The registration fee, unless the fee has been waived
If you are requesting an active search, you’ll also need to submit a copy of the original birth registration document and/or adoption order. These are obtained from the Vital Statistics Agency (information on how to get documents from the Vital Statistics Agency is explained later in this script). The original birth certificate and adoption order aren’t needed for a search on the Passive Registry.

If you’re the birth sibling of an adult adoptee or the biological father or other relative, there are other or different documents you have to submit. For example, if you’re the birth sibling of an adult adoptee (i.e., you’re looking for your birth sibling who was adopted), proof of death of the birth parent is required, for example, a copy of the deceased birth parent’s death certificate from Vital Statistics.
====Active search====
The registry can also help with an '''active search''' for a relative. First they’ll check if the relative is registered. If not, they’ll start a search. If they find the person, the registry will contact them to discuss next steps. If this person also wants a reunion, the registry will talk with both parties about the options for contact. These can include letters, phone calls, meetings, or visits in person.

What does it cost to register?
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There’s a $25 registration/processing fee to register with the Adoption Reunion Registry. If you want an active search on the Active Registry, you’ll be asked to submit an additional fee of $250. If it’s hard for you to pay these fees, you can request an income test. If you qualify, the fees will be reduced or waived.
The Adoption Reunion Registry offers brief counselling and support during the reunion search process. You may also seek other counselling through a local social services agency or a private therapist.

Counselling is offered
====Registering with the Adoption Reunion Registry====
The social work staff at the Adoption Reunion Registry can offer brief counselling and support during the reunion search process. You may also wish to pursue additional counseling through a local agency or private therapist.
You can apply to register with the Adoption Reunion Registry by:

How do you get the documents needed from the Vital Statistics Agency?
* [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/life-events/birth-adoption/adoptions/adoption-reunions-registries/adoption-reunion-registry filling out the application form] and mailing it to the registry
You have to submit an application form to the Vital Statistics Agency. Visit their website at www.vs.gov.bc.ca/adoption. Or call 604.660.2937 in the lower mainland, 250.952.2681 in Greater Victoria, or 1.800.663.8328 elsewhere in BC.
* paying the $25 fee to register (you can ask for it to be waived)

There’s a fee of $50 to obtain copies of the adopted adult’s original birth registration and/or adoption order. The names of and information about the adoptive parents is deleted to protect their privacy.
There are also other documents to complete. Which ones are required depends on who you are.

What if a birth parent or adopted child doesn’t want to be known or found?
If you’re a person who was adopted or a birth mother, you must send a copy of your birth certificate (as proof of your identity).
Individuals who want their privacy respected can have a “disclosure veto” or “no-contact declaration” placed on their records in the Vital Statistics Agency.

What’s a disclosure veto?
Adult siblings searching for a brother or sister who was adopted need to provide their birth parents’ birth and death certificates.
A disclosure veto prevents the release of any information on the birth registration or adoption order identifying the person who placed the veto. A disclosure veto also prevents the Adoption Reunion Registry from providing assistance in locating the person who filed the veto. You can place a disclosure veto if you’re a birth parent or adopted person involved in an adoption that took place before 1996.

What’s a no-contact declaration?
An active search costs an additional $250. You also need to send a copy of the adopted person’s original birth registration document and the adoption order. These documents are available from the Vital Statistics Agency. [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/life-events/order-certificates-copies See its website], or call 250-952-2681 in Victoria, and toll-free 1-888-876-1633 elsewhere in BC.
A no-contact declaration allows information to be released, but prohibits any contact with the person who has placed the no-contact declaration. If a no-contact declaration has been placed on the birth and/or adoption records you’re searching, you’ll have to sign a statutory declaration promising that you won’t contact the other person as long as the no-contact declaration is in effect. If you break your promise, you’ll face up to six months in jail and/or a fine of up to $10,000.

A written statement may be included
===If a birth parent or adopted person doesn’t want to be known or found===
The person placing a disclosure veto or no-contact declaration can also place or file a written statement. This statement may include social, medical and health information and perhaps the reason the person doesn’t want to be contacted. If the birth and adoption records you’re searching at the Vital Statistics Agency contain a written statement, you’ll be given a copy.
Either the birth parent or the adopted person can choose to stay unknown. This requires having a '''disclosure veto''' or '''no-contact declaration''' placed on their records in the Vital Statistics Agency.

Where can you get help or find more information?
A '''disclosure veto''' blocks identifying information from appearing on the birth registration or adoption order. It also prevents the Adoption Reunion Registry from helping to find the person who filed the veto. You can place a disclosure veto on your record if you’re a birth parent or adopted person (age 18 and over) involved in an adoption that occurred before 1996.

Call 1.877.ADOPT.07 or 250.387.3660.
A '''no-contact declaration''' allows information to be released, but stops any contact with the person who placed it. If a no-contact declaration was placed on the birth or adoption records you’re searching, you’ll have to sign a statutory declaration promising not to contact the other person while the no-contact declaration lasts. If you break your promise, you may face a penalty of up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $10,000.
See the Ministry of Children and Family Development’s website on adoption and adoption registries at www.mcf.gov.bc.ca/adoption.

A person who files a disclosure veto or no-contact declaration can also file a '''written statement'''. This statement may include social, medical, and health information. It may also tell you why the person doesn’t want to be contacted. If the birth and adoption records you’re searching at the Vital Statistics Agency contain a written statement, you’ll be given a copy.

[updated March 2013]
==Who can help==

===With more information===
The '''Ministry of Children & Family Development''' has information on its website about adoption reunions and registries.
* [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/life-events/birth-adoption/adoptions/adoption-reunions-registries Visit website]

The '''Adoptive Families Association of BC''' supports the adoption community at all ages and stages through education, counselling and advocacy.
* Call 1-877-236-7807 (toll-free)
* [http://bcadoption.com/ Visit website]

===Free and low-cost legal help===
Options for legal help include legal aid, pro bono services, legal clinics, and advocates. [[Free and Low-Cost Legal Help|See our information on free and low-cost legal help]].

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Latest revision as of 22:22, 30 April 2021

This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by Adoption Branch, Ministry of Children & Family Development in February 2020.

Adoption registries and reunion services can help adopted people and their relatives reconnect. Learn how British Columbia’s adoption registries work.

What you should know

Registries help connect adopted people with their relatives

Many adopted people want to know about their birth parents. Often, birth parents want to know how a child they placed for adoption is doing. Many adopted people and birth parents want to meet each other.

In BC, there are registries that help put relatives separated by adoption back in touch.

Parents Registry

Birth parents of a child placed for adoption can register with the Parents Registry. This allows them to receive notice of adoption details. It also lets them be involved in the adoption planning. Parents can register any time before the child’s birth and up to 150 days after the child was placed for adoption. There’s no fee to register.

Post-Adoption Openness Registry

When an adoption order is granted for a child under 19 years old, the door opens for potential reconnections. Adoptive parents, birth parents, and relatives can decide to share information with the adopted child, and communicate with each other. To do so they register with the Post-Adoption Openness Registry. They choose the level of contact they want. They also decide how much they want to reveal about themselves. There are no fees to register.

Adoption Reunion Registry

The Adoption Reunion Registry connects people over 19 years old who were involved in a BC adoption. Adopted adults can search for their birth parents or siblings. Birth parents who placed a child for adoption can start searching for them as soon as the child turns 19.

How the Post-Adoption Openness Registry works

After an adoption order is made for a child under age 19, those involved in the adoption — including adoptive parents, birth parents, and other relatives — can exchange information by registering in the Post-Adoption Openness Registry. The adults may choose to share things like medical information, letters, cards and pictures. Or they may opt for full disclosure and exchange of names and addresses for direct contact.

A successful match

When you apply to register, the registry checks to see if anyone else involved in the adoption is in the system. For example, if both the adoptive parents and the birth mother are registered, that’s a match. The registry will only contact parties if there’s a match.

Reaching an openness agreement

The registry will next ask the matched parties about the level of contact they want. The parties can choose full disclosure and direct contact, or a non-identifying exchange of information. If one or both want the second (less direct) option, a social worker will help them make an openness agreement. This type of agreement sets out the ways that birth parents, relatives, and the adoptive family will communicate after the adoption process is complete.

Any decision to enter into an openness agreement must be made with care. The best interests of the adopted child should determine how it’s constructed. Its success depends on the voluntary cooperation of everyone involved.

How long registration lasts

An application to the Post-Adoption Openness Registry lasts until the adopted child reaches age 19, a match is made, or the application is withdrawn in writing. If there’s no match by the time the child turns 19, a different, adult registry comes into play. Interested parties can then apply to the Adoption Reunion Registry.

How the Adoption Reunion Registry works

The Adoption Reunion Registry connects people over age 19 who were involved in a BC adoption. Everyone must be age 19 or over when the connection is made.

The registry operates a passive registry. In some cases, though, it can help with an active search.

Passive registry

For adoptions that happened in BC, people who have been adopted, as well as their birth parents, siblings, and other relatives, can register to connect.

The passive registry requires interest from both sides. The registry is looking for a match. That can only happen if both parties are registered. If there’s a match, the registry will contact both parties and help them connect.

Active search

The registry can also help with an active search for a relative. First they’ll check if the relative is registered. If not, they’ll start a search. If they find the person, the registry will contact them to discuss next steps. If this person also wants a reunion, the registry will talk with both parties about the options for contact. These can include letters, phone calls, meetings, or visits in person.


The Adoption Reunion Registry offers brief counselling and support during the reunion search process. You may also seek other counselling through a local social services agency or a private therapist.

Registering with the Adoption Reunion Registry

You can apply to register with the Adoption Reunion Registry by:

There are also other documents to complete. Which ones are required depends on who you are.

If you’re a person who was adopted or a birth mother, you must send a copy of your birth certificate (as proof of your identity).

Adult siblings searching for a brother or sister who was adopted need to provide their birth parents’ birth and death certificates.

An active search costs an additional $250. You also need to send a copy of the adopted person’s original birth registration document and the adoption order. These documents are available from the Vital Statistics Agency. See its website, or call 250-952-2681 in Victoria, and toll-free 1-888-876-1633 elsewhere in BC.

If a birth parent or adopted person doesn’t want to be known or found

Either the birth parent or the adopted person can choose to stay unknown. This requires having a disclosure veto or no-contact declaration placed on their records in the Vital Statistics Agency.

A disclosure veto blocks identifying information from appearing on the birth registration or adoption order. It also prevents the Adoption Reunion Registry from helping to find the person who filed the veto. You can place a disclosure veto on your record if you’re a birth parent or adopted person (age 18 and over) involved in an adoption that occurred before 1996.

A no-contact declaration allows information to be released, but stops any contact with the person who placed it. If a no-contact declaration was placed on the birth or adoption records you’re searching, you’ll have to sign a statutory declaration promising not to contact the other person while the no-contact declaration lasts. If you break your promise, you may face a penalty of up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $10,000.

A person who files a disclosure veto or no-contact declaration can also file a written statement. This statement may include social, medical, and health information. It may also tell you why the person doesn’t want to be contacted. If the birth and adoption records you’re searching at the Vital Statistics Agency contain a written statement, you’ll be given a copy.

Who can help

With more information

The Ministry of Children & Family Development has information on its website about adoption reunions and registries.

The Adoptive Families Association of BC supports the adoption community at all ages and stages through education, counselling and advocacy.

Free and low-cost legal help

Options for legal help include legal aid, pro bono services, legal clinics, and advocates. See our information on free and low-cost legal help.

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