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{{JP Boyd on Family Law TOC}}
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A marriage agreement is a contact entered into either before marriage or shortly afterwards. Most marriage agreements are drafted and signed well ahead of the date of marriage. Marriage agreements are usually intended to deal with the legal issues that will arise if the marriage breaks down but they can also deal with how day-to-day issues will be handled during the marriage.
Marriage agreements are contracts signed by couples either before they marry or shortly afterwards. Most marriage agreements are drafted and signed well ahead of the date of marriage, and that kind of timing is usually a very good idea. Marriage agreements are usually intended to deal with the legal issues if the marriage breaks down but they can also deal with how day-to-day things will be handled during the marriage.

This page will discuss when and why marriage agreements are usually entered into, the legal requirements of a valid marriage agreement, and the possible subjects of a marriage agreement.
This page will discuss when and why marriage agreements are usually entered into, the legal requirements of a valid marriage agreement, and the possible subjects of a marriage agreement.
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==Entering into a Marriage Agreement==
==Entering into a Marriage Agreement==

A couple may enter into a marriage agreement with the intention of addressing things that might happen during the course of their marriage, but, more typically, they are intended to address the issues that will arise when the marriage breaks down. Marriage agreements are binding on the parties as a legal contract and will usually be enforced by the courts.
A couple may enter into a marriage agreement with the intention of addressing things that might happen during the course of their marriage, but, more typically, they are intended to address the issues that will arise when the marriage breaks down. Marriage agreements are binding on the parties as a legal contract and may be enforced by the courts if someone tries to escape or change an obligation they have agreed to.

Most couples who marry do not have a marriage agreement. There is no legal requirement that you must enter into such an agreement if you're getting married and you cannot be forced into a marriage agreement.
Most couples who marry do not have a marriage agreement. ''There is no legal requirement that you must enter into such an agreement if you're getting married and you cannot be forced into a marriage agreement.''

===When a Marriage Agreement is a Good Idea===
===When a Marriage Agreement is a Good Idea===
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Marriage agreements are usually appropriate when:
Marriage agreements are usually appropriate when:

one or both of the parties have a substantial amount of property or assets going into the marriage;
#one or both of the parties have a substantial amount of property going into the marriage;
one of the parties expects to acquire substantial assets during the marriage through, for example, a business, an inheritance, a settlement or court award, or a gift;
#one of the parties expects to acquire substantial property during the marriage, through, for example, a business, an inheritance, a settlement or court award, or a gift;
the parties want to avoid some of the stress and anger that can come after separation by deciding in advance how certain difficult issues, like the division of family assets, will be dealt with;
#the parties want to avoid some of the stress and anger that can come after separation by deciding in advance how certain difficult issues, like the division of family property and family debt, will be dealt with;
one or both of the parties has been married before and experienced an ugly court battle;
#one or both of the parties has been married before and experienced an ugly court battle;
one or both of the parties will be bringing children from a previous relationship into the marriage; or,
#one or both of the parties will be bringing children from a previous relationship into the marriage; or,
one of the parties is entering the marriage with substantial debt.
#one of the parties is entering the marriage with substantial debt.
In most cases, people generally want to protect the property that they're bringing into the marriage and avoid the Family Relations Act's presumption that all assets ought to be split equally between spouses when their marriage comes to an end; many people are looking for an "I'll keep what's mine, you'll keep what's yours" sort of deal.

The odd thing about this is that the court may make an order dividing assets that's different than what a marriage agreement calls for if the agreement is found to be unfair under s. 65 of the Family Relations Act. As a result, a good marriage agreement will allow a spouse to "earn" an increasing share of the other spouse's property as time goes by to give the contract the best chance of remaining fair from the point of view of the act. In many marriage agreements, a spouse will earn an equal or near-equal share of the assets by the fifteenth, twentieth or twenty-fifth year of marriage. In fact, most people don't wind up with an "I'll keep what's mine, you'll keep what's yours" deal after all.
In most cases, people generally want to protect the property that they're bringing into the marriage and avoid the scheme for dividing property and debt set out in the provincial ''Family Law Act''; many people are looking for an "I'll keep what's mine, you'll keep what's yours" sort of deal, and that — or any other reasonable kind of arrangement — is precisely what you can get with a separation agreement.

===When a Marriage Agreement is a Bad Idea===
===When a Marriage Agreement is a Bad Idea===
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A marriage agreement may not be appropriate when:
A marriage agreement may not be appropriate when:

neither party has any significant assets;
#neither party has significant property;
neither party has any significant debts;
#neither party has significant debts;
both parties are relatively young and intend the marriage to be permanent; and,
#both parties are relatively young and intend the marriage to be permanent; and,
neither party is bringing any children into the marriage from another relationship.
#neither party is bringing any children into the marriage from another relationship.
In circumstances like that, there really isn't much of a point to executing a marriage agreement. There aren't any kids to worry about and neither party has any assets to protect going into the marriage. What purpose would a marriage agreement serve?
In circumstances like that, there really isn't much of a point to executing a marriage agreement. There aren't any kids to worry about and neither party has any assets to protect going into the marriage. What purpose would a marriage agreement serve?

Marriage agreements are odd things anyway as they tend to lend a unpleasant and sometimes petty financial dimension to what ought to be a joyous circumstance. If there's no good reason to have a marriage agreement, don't have a marriage agreement.
As well, the ''Family Law Act'' also says that an agreement made before the parties have separated cannot deal with:
#parental responsibilities and parenting time; or,
#child support.
Marriage agreements are odd things anyway as they tend to lend a unpleasant and sometimes petty financial dimension to what ought to be a joyous occasion. If there's no good reason to have a marriage agreement, don't have a marriage agreement.

===Negotiating a Marriage Agreement===
===Negotiating a Marriage Agreement===

If a marriage agreement is appropriate and desirable, the parties will negotiate the terms of the agreement, and one or both of the parties will draft a written agreement for review and maybe execution. As with all family law agreements, it is important that both parties get independent legal advice about what exactly the agreement means, how it affects their present rights and responsibilities towards one another, and how it will affect those rights and responsibilities if the marriage comes to an end. Getting independent legal advice makes the agreement harder to change later on by preventing one spouse from saying "I didn't know what it meant" or "she had the lawyer, not me" and challenging the agreement later on.
If a marriage agreement is appropriate and desirable, the people involved will negotiate the terms of the agreement and one or both of the parties will draft a written agreement for review and maybe signing. As with all family law agreements, it is important that both parties get independent legal advice about what exactly the agreement means, how it affects their present rights and responsibilities towards one another, and how it will impact on those rights and responsibilities if the marriage comes to an end. Getting independent legal advice makes the agreement harder to change later on by preventing one spouse from saying "I didn't know what it meant" or "she had the lawyer, not me" and challenging the agreement later on.

Marriage agreements should be entered into well in advance of the marriage ceremony. If an agreement is being negotiated on the brink of the wedding, the court may be concerned about the fairness of the circumstances in which the agreement was negotiated and executed. The emotional stress involved in arranging the wedding may be found to mean, for example, that a party was effectively coerced into signing the agreement. Are you going to tell everyone to go home because your spouse is insisting that you sign a contract you disagree with?
Marriage agreements should be signed well in advance of the marriage ceremony. If an agreement is being negotiated on the brink of the wedding, the court may be concerned about the fairness of the circumstances in which the agreement was negotiated and executed. The emotional stress involved in arranging and potentially cancelling the wedding might be found to mean that someone was coerced into signing the agreement.  

On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with executing a marriage agreement after the ceremony, except that the spouse who wants the agreement loses a fair bit of bargaining power.
On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with signing a marriage agreement after the ceremony, except that the spouse who wants the agreement loses a fair bit of bargaining power once the wedding is done.

===Avoid Do-It-Yourself Marriage Agreement Kits===
===Avoid Do-It-Yourself Marriage Agreement Kits===
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==Legal and Formal Requirements of a Marriage Agreement==
==Legal and Formal Requirements of a Marriage Agreement==

The point of entering into a marriage agreement is so that, at some later time, the spouses will be required to abide by its terms and, if they don't, then the contract will be enforceable in court. As such, a marriage agreement, just like any other family law agreement, must conform to certain basic rules, including the following:
The point of entering into a marriage agreement is so that, at some later time, the contract will be enforceable in court if the parties fail to live up to it. As such, a marriage agreement, just like any other family law agreement, must conform to certain basic rules, including the following:

A marriage agreement must be set out in writing.
*A marriage agreement must be set out in writing.
The agreement must be signed by each party, preferably in the presence of a witness.
*The agreement must be signed by each party, and should be signed in the presence of a witness.
Neither party can be under the age of majority (unless the minor has the capacity to marry and the permission of the court to enter into the marriage agreement), or suffer from any other legal disability.
*Neither party can be under the age of majority (unless the minor has the capacity to marry and the permission of the court to enter into the marriage agreement), or suffer from any other legal disability.
The agreement must clearly identify the parties and the nature of their rights and obligations to one another.
*The agreement must clearly identify the parties and the nature of their rights and obligations to one another.
Section 61 of the Family Relations Act defines "marriage agreement" for the purposes of Parts 5 and 6 of the act which deal with the division of property:

(2) A marriage agreement is an agreement entered into by a man and a woman before or during their marriage to each other to take effect on the date of their marriage or on the execution of the agreement, whichever is later, for
In addition to these simple formalities of a proper family law agreement, you might want to think about certain other principles of contract law like these:
(a) management of family assets or other property during marriage, or
(b) ownership in, or division of, family assets or other property during marriage, or on the making of an order for dissolution of marriage, judicial separation or a declaration of nullity of marriage.
(3) A marriage agreement ... must be in writing, signed by bouth spouses, and witnessed by one or more other persons.
This definition is only relevant if one of the spouses later makes a claim for a division of assets under the Family Relations Act and challenges the status of the marriage agreement. A proper marriage agreement doesn't have to deal with assets at all of course, but can instead just talk about issues like the care and control of children, spousal support, the division of labour during the marriage and so forth.

Don't worry about the gender requirement of s. 61(2); it is plainly unconstitutional and will be set aside if challenged.
*The parties must each enter into the agreement of their own free will, without any coercion or duress by the other party, or by anyone else for that matter.
*Both parties must make full and complete disclosure of their circumstances going into the agreement.
*The parties cannot make an illegal bargain, that is, they can't make an agreement which obliges them to do something against the law.
*Where an agreement is prepared by one party's lawyer and the other party doesn't have a lawyer, any portions of the agreement that are vague may be interpreted in favour of the party who didn't have the lawyer.
*The court will attempt to give effect to a contract wherever possible, that is, they will attempt to give meaning to the terms of a contract rather than declare it void.
*If a term of a cohabitation agreement is found to be invalid, only the invalid part of the agreement will stop being in effect. The remainder of the agreement will continue to be valid and binding on the parties.

In addition to complying with the basic formalities of a proper family law agreement (that the agreement be signed, that it be in writing and so on), certain principles of contract law should also be considered, including the following:
Aside from these considerations, it is also important to remember that marriage agreements are usually only meant to be used at some unknown time in the future. While separation agreements are intended to work immediately from the moment they are signed, marriage agreements usually aren't intended to work until some later time, usually upon the spouses' separation. As a result, it can be difficult to guess what each party's situation will be like when the agreement begins to operate and guess whether it will still be appropriate and fair. Because of these problems, hiring the services of a lawyer to prepare a marriage agreement is highly recommended. Crafting a solid marriage agreement is a tricky business at the best of times.

The parties must each enter into the agreement of their own free will, without any coercion or duress by the other party, or by anyone else... like a prospective in-law.
==The Possible Subjects of a Marriage Agreement==
The parties cannot make an illegal bargain, that is, they can't form an agreement which obliges them to do something illegal or is otherwise against the law.
Where an agreement is prepared by one spouse's lawyer and the other spouse doesn't have a lawyer, any parts that are vague may be interpreted in favour of the spouse who didn't have the lawyer.
The court will attempt to give effect to a contract wherever possible, that is, it will attempt to give meaning to the terms of a contract rather than declare it to be void.
If a term of a marriage agreement is found to be invalid, only the invalid part of the agreement will fail. The remainder of the agreement will continue to be valid and binding on the parties.
Aside from these considerations, it is also important to remember that marriage agreements are usually only meant to be used at some unknown time in the future. While separation agreements are intended to work immediately from the moment they are signed, marriage agreements usually aren't intended to work until some later time, usually upon the spouses' separation. As a result, it can be extremely difficult to guess what each party's situation will be like at that future date and decide whether the agreement will still be appropriate, fair and relevant. Because of these problems, hiring the services of a lawyer to prepare the agreement is highly recommended. Crafting a solid marriage agreement can be a tricky business.

Finally, you should also know that the courts will rarely — if ever — uphold an agreement which attempts to avoid and "contract out" of a statutory obligation. Child support, for example, is a positive, almost absolute obligation a parent has towards his or her children. A court is not likely to allow an agreement to stand which provides that a parent will never have to pay child support.
A marriage agreement can address any number of subjects, and deal with anything that's a concern to one or both spouses. Typical subjects include the following.

==Possible Subjects of a Marriage Agreement==
*How will the spouses own property during the marriage, separately or jointly?
*How will the spouses divide their property and debts after the marriage? Will there be any division of property at all?
*Will the spouses share in the value or cost of property bought during the marriage, like a car or a house?
*Will the parties have a share in property brought into the marriage by one of the spouses?
*How will unexpected windfalls like inheritances and lottery wins be dealt with? Will they be shared or kept separate?
*How will household chores be shared during the marriage?
*How will household expenses be paid for during the marriage? Will both spouses contribute to the bills? Will the bills be divided between them?
*How will the spouses manage retirement savings during the marriage?
*How will the children brought into the marriage from another relationship be dealt with during the marriage? Will any responsibilities survive separation?
*How will children born during the marriage be cared for after separation?

A marriage agreement can address any number of subjects, and deal with anything that's a concern to one or both spouses. Typical subjects include the following.
Except for the restrictions about parental responsibilities, parenting time and child support, the possible subjects of a marriage agreement are limited only by imagination, common sense and the law of contracts, and I've seen some fairly unique marriage agreements from time to time, including agreements, likely unenforceable, that talk about the frequency of sex and who will take out the garbage.

How will the spouses own assets during the marriage?
However, as a general rule of thumb, it's best to deal with the concrete things that exist at the time of the marriage (such as children from a previous relationship, existing debts, and existing property) and things that the couple reasonably expect to happen during the marriage in the short term (such as receiving an inheritance or a court award). Dealing with things that ''might'' happen (like new children, a move to a new town or lottery winnings) is really speculative, and it's almost impossible to know how they should be dealt with if, at some unknown point in the future, the marriage comes to an end
How will the spouses divide their property after the marriage? Will there be any division of property at all? Will the spouse without the assets receive a fixed share, or a share that increases as time goes on?
Will the spouses share in the value or cost of assets bought during the marriage, like a car or a house?
Will the parties have a share in assets brought into the marriage by one of the spouses?
How will unexpected windfalls like inheritances and lottery wins be dealt with? Will they be shared or kept separate?
How will household chores be shared during the marriage?
How will household expenses be paid for during the marriage? Will both spouses contribute to the bills? Will the bills be divided between them?
How will the spouses manage retirement savings during the marriage?
How will the children brought into the marriage from another relationship be dealt with during the marriage? Will any responsibilities survive separation?
How will children born during the marriage be cared for after separation?
Despite the provisions of s. 61(2) of the Family Relations Act, referred to above, the possible subjects of a marriage agreement are limited only by imagination, common sense and the law of contracts, and I've seen some fairly unique marriage agreements from time to time, including agreements, likely unenforceable, which talk about the frequency of sex and who will take out the garbage.
As a general rule of thumb, however, it's best to deal with the concrete things that exist at the time of the marriage (such as children from a previous relationship, existing debts, and existing assets) and things that the couple reasonably expect to happen during the marriage in the short term (such as receiving an inheritance or a court award). Dealing with things that might happen (like new children, a move to a new town or lottery winnings) is really speculative, and it's almost impossible to know how they should be dealt with if, at some unknown point in the future, the marriage comes to an end

==Further Reading in this Chapter==
==Further Reading in this Chapter==
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==Page Resources and Links==
==Page Resources and Links==
Templates for the court forms referred to in this page, and examples of what the court forms look like when they're filled out, are available in the _____ chapter.


*Supreme Court Act
*SC rules of court
*Provincial Court Act
*PC rules of court


* <span style="color: red;">bulleted list of linked external websites referred to in page</span>
* <span style="color: red;">bulleted list of linked external websites referred to in page</span>
...this section should alway list any public resources that might be available, not just what was referred to in the page... please add LSS resources, the courttips website from JES, etc.
public resources

{{JP Boyd on Family Law Navbox|type=chapters}}
{{JP Boyd on Family Law Navbox|type=chapters}}

Revision as of 00:37, 9 March 2013

Marriage agreements are contracts signed by couples either before they marry or shortly afterwards. Most marriage agreements are drafted and signed well ahead of the date of marriage, and that kind of timing is usually a very good idea. Marriage agreements are usually intended to deal with the legal issues if the marriage breaks down but they can also deal with how day-to-day things will be handled during the marriage.

This page will discuss when and why marriage agreements are usually entered into, the legal requirements of a valid marriage agreement, and the possible subjects of a marriage agreement.

Entering into a Marriage Agreement

A couple may enter into a marriage agreement with the intention of addressing things that might happen during the course of their marriage, but, more typically, they are intended to address the issues that will arise when the marriage breaks down. Marriage agreements are binding on the parties as a legal contract and may be enforced by the courts if someone tries to escape or change an obligation they have agreed to.

Most couples who marry do not have a marriage agreement. There is no legal requirement that you must enter into such an agreement if you're getting married and you cannot be forced into a marriage agreement.

When a Marriage Agreement is a Good Idea

Marriage agreements are usually appropriate when:

  1. one or both of the parties have a substantial amount of property going into the marriage;
  2. one of the parties expects to acquire substantial property during the marriage, through, for example, a business, an inheritance, a settlement or court award, or a gift;
  3. the parties want to avoid some of the stress and anger that can come after separation by deciding in advance how certain difficult issues, like the division of family property and family debt, will be dealt with;
  4. one or both of the parties has been married before and experienced an ugly court battle;
  5. one or both of the parties will be bringing children from a previous relationship into the marriage; or,
  6. one of the parties is entering the marriage with substantial debt.

In most cases, people generally want to protect the property that they're bringing into the marriage and avoid the scheme for dividing property and debt set out in the provincial Family Law Act; many people are looking for an "I'll keep what's mine, you'll keep what's yours" sort of deal, and that &#151; or any other reasonable kind of arrangement &#151; is precisely what you can get with a separation agreement.

When a Marriage Agreement is a Bad Idea

A marriage agreement may not be appropriate when:

  1. neither party has significant property;
  2. neither party has significant debts;
  3. both parties are relatively young and intend the marriage to be permanent; and,
  4. neither party is bringing any children into the marriage from another relationship.

In circumstances like that, there really isn't much of a point to executing a marriage agreement. There aren't any kids to worry about and neither party has any assets to protect going into the marriage. What purpose would a marriage agreement serve?

As well, the Family Law Act also says that an agreement made before the parties have separated cannot deal with:

  1. parental responsibilities and parenting time; or,
  2. child support.

Marriage agreements are odd things anyway as they tend to lend a unpleasant and sometimes petty financial dimension to what ought to be a joyous occasion. If there's no good reason to have a marriage agreement, don't have a marriage agreement.

Negotiating a Marriage Agreement

If a marriage agreement is appropriate and desirable, the people involved will negotiate the terms of the agreement and one or both of the parties will draft a written agreement for review and maybe signing. As with all family law agreements, it is important that both parties get independent legal advice about what exactly the agreement means, how it affects their present rights and responsibilities towards one another, and how it will impact on those rights and responsibilities if the marriage comes to an end. Getting independent legal advice makes the agreement harder to change later on by preventing one spouse from saying "I didn't know what it meant" or "she had the lawyer, not me" and challenging the agreement later on.

Marriage agreements should be signed well in advance of the marriage ceremony. If an agreement is being negotiated on the brink of the wedding, the court may be concerned about the fairness of the circumstances in which the agreement was negotiated and executed. The emotional stress involved in arranging and potentially cancelling the wedding might be found to mean that someone was coerced into signing the agreement.

On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with signing a marriage agreement after the ceremony, except that the spouse who wants the agreement loses a fair bit of bargaining power once the wedding is done.

Avoid Do-It-Yourself Marriage Agreement Kits

Staples, Chapters, London Drugs and other stores generally carry a wide range of DIY legal products, from doing your own will to getting your own divorce.

In my view most of these do-it-yourself kits are fine for most people most of the time. They are not fine for marriage agreements. Marriage agreements can be terribly complicated, more so than separation agreements, and must be drafted with a good knowledge of family law in general and marriage agreements in particular. I really encourage you to avoid do-it-yourself marriage agreement kits.

If you figure that you absolutely must have a marriage agreement, it's well worth $1,500 to $4,000 to pay a lawyer to draw it up correctly for you now, rather than spending $15,000 to $40,000 on lawyer's fees down the road if the agreement is flawed.

Legal and Formal Requirements of a Marriage Agreement

The point of entering into a marriage agreement is so that, at some later time, the contract will be enforceable in court if the parties fail to live up to it. As such, a marriage agreement, just like any other family law agreement, must conform to certain basic rules, including the following:

  • A marriage agreement must be set out in writing.
  • The agreement must be signed by each party, and should be signed in the presence of a witness.
  • Neither party can be under the age of majority (unless the minor has the capacity to marry and the permission of the court to enter into the marriage agreement), or suffer from any other legal disability.
  • The agreement must clearly identify the parties and the nature of their rights and obligations to one another.

In addition to these simple formalities of a proper family law agreement, you might want to think about certain other principles of contract law like these:

  • The parties must each enter into the agreement of their own free will, without any coercion or duress by the other party, or by anyone else for that matter.
  • Both parties must make full and complete disclosure of their circumstances going into the agreement.
  • The parties cannot make an illegal bargain, that is, they can't make an agreement which obliges them to do something against the law.
  • Where an agreement is prepared by one party's lawyer and the other party doesn't have a lawyer, any portions of the agreement that are vague may be interpreted in favour of the party who didn't have the lawyer.
  • The court will attempt to give effect to a contract wherever possible, that is, they will attempt to give meaning to the terms of a contract rather than declare it void.
  • If a term of a cohabitation agreement is found to be invalid, only the invalid part of the agreement will stop being in effect. The remainder of the agreement will continue to be valid and binding on the parties.

Aside from these considerations, it is also important to remember that marriage agreements are usually only meant to be used at some unknown time in the future. While separation agreements are intended to work immediately from the moment they are signed, marriage agreements usually aren't intended to work until some later time, usually upon the spouses' separation. As a result, it can be difficult to guess what each party's situation will be like when the agreement begins to operate and guess whether it will still be appropriate and fair. Because of these problems, hiring the services of a lawyer to prepare a marriage agreement is highly recommended. Crafting a solid marriage agreement is a tricky business at the best of times.

The Possible Subjects of a Marriage Agreement

A marriage agreement can address any number of subjects, and deal with anything that's a concern to one or both spouses. Typical subjects include the following.

  • How will the spouses own property during the marriage, separately or jointly?
  • How will the spouses divide their property and debts after the marriage? Will there be any division of property at all?
  • Will the spouses share in the value or cost of property bought during the marriage, like a car or a house?
  • Will the parties have a share in property brought into the marriage by one of the spouses?
  • How will unexpected windfalls like inheritances and lottery wins be dealt with? Will they be shared or kept separate?
  • How will household chores be shared during the marriage?
  • How will household expenses be paid for during the marriage? Will both spouses contribute to the bills? Will the bills be divided between them?
  • How will the spouses manage retirement savings during the marriage?
  • How will the children brought into the marriage from another relationship be dealt with during the marriage? Will any responsibilities survive separation?
  • How will children born during the marriage be cared for after separation?

Except for the restrictions about parental responsibilities, parenting time and child support, the possible subjects of a marriage agreement are limited only by imagination, common sense and the law of contracts, and I've seen some fairly unique marriage agreements from time to time, including agreements, likely unenforceable, that talk about the frequency of sex and who will take out the garbage.

However, as a general rule of thumb, it's best to deal with the concrete things that exist at the time of the marriage (such as children from a previous relationship, existing debts, and existing property) and things that the couple reasonably expect to happen during the marriage in the short term (such as receiving an inheritance or a court award). Dealing with things that might happen (like new children, a move to a new town or lottery winnings) is really speculative, and it's almost impossible to know how they should be dealt with if, at some unknown point in the future, the marriage comes to an end

Further Reading in this Chapter

Return to the first page in this chapter.

  • other chapters

Page Resources and Links




  • bulleted list of linked external websites referred to in page

public resources