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{{JP Boyd on Family Law TOC}}
{{JP Boyd on Family Law TOC|expanded = outofcourt}}{{JPBOFL Editor Badge
|ChapterEditors = [[Catherine Brink]] and [[Deirdre Severide]]
|resourcetype = more resources like this website from the BC Ministry of Attorney General on
|link        = [ Collaborative Law]
|resourcetype = more information on
|link        = [[ collaborative family lawyers] collaborative family lawyers]
}}In collaborative processes, the parties and their lawyers, and sometimes other professionals, work together as a team to find a resolution to the issues arising from the breakdown of the parties' relationship. The other professionals the parties might work with include psychologists or clinical counsellors, and experts such as child specialists and financial specialists, who are called upon as the need arises during the collaborative process.

In collaborative settlement processes, the parties, their divorce counsellors and their lawyers work together as a team to find a resolution of the issues arising from the breakdown of the parties' relationship, consulting experts such as child specialists and financial specialists as the need arises. This process seeks to address both the legal and the emotional consequences of the breakdown of a relationship.
Collaborative negotiation is meant to address both the legal and the emotional consequences of the breakdown of a relationship, in a cooperative rather than a competitive way. As a result, it can help people deal with difficult issues, like substance abuse and mental health problems, in a far more constructive way than going to court. It is, in my view, one of the best possible ways of resolving family law disputes.

This page provides a brief introduction to the collaborative processes, a step-by-step overview of the process, and a description of the roles played by each of the team members.
This section provides a <span class="noglossary">brief</span> introduction to collaborative negotiation, a step-by-step overview of what happens in collaborative processes, and resources for learning more and getting started.


The breakdown of a married or common-law relationship is an extraordinarily difficult time for both parties. Contrary to the impression you might form from the rest of this website, a couple's legal difficulties are only one part of the whole experience of ending a long-term relationship. The purpose of the collaborative law process is to provide a nonadversarial way for both parties resolve their issues and emerge, at the end of the process, as emotionally- and psychologically-whole people.
Collaborative negotiation is a voluntary, cooperative process in which each party retains a collaboratively-trained lawyer, and other collaborative professionals as needed, to resolve not just the legal issues but also the emotional issues arising from the end of a long-term relationship. (Not surprisingly, the emotional issues that come up after separation can often be a barrier to resolving the legal issues.) The other professionals who might be involved in a collaborative process include:

The traditional legal approach to separation and divorce is adversarial by nature and usually aggravates the emotional difficulties couples face when their relationships breaks down rather than mitigating them. In the collaborative law process, on the other hand, the parties agree that they will not go to court.
*'''Divorce coaches:''' counsellors trained in collaborative negotiation who may work with each party to manage the emotions typically associated with separation and help them finalize a parenting plan that best meets the needs of the children. ("Divorce coach" really isn't the best name for the mental health professionals who take this role, since collaborative negotiation is available for all families, not just those in which the adults are married to each other.)
*'''Financial specialists:''' neutral financial experts, trained in collaborative negotiation, who may work with everybody to review and make recommendations about the available financial options. They include accountants, business valuators and investment advisors, as well as people who are experts in wills and estates, taxation, retirement planning and public benefits.
*'''Child specialists:''' neutral mental health experts, trained in collaborative negotiation, who may work with everybody and with the children to ensure the children's wishes and preferences are heard. They may also make recommendations about the parenting arrangements that will best meet the children's needs.

Of course, not every couple is suited to the collaborative law approach. This process require honesty and good faith, both to oneself and towards each other. Sometimes the breakdown of a relationship is so full of anger and bitterness that no mediated approach will work. If both parties aren't willing to use and embrace the collaborative process, it simply will not work.
This sounds like an awful lot of professionals; however, in collaborative processes the lawyers and their clients work together to build the team that best suits their needs and circumstances. As well, this approach provides a more specialized, and often more cost-effective, way to deal with separation than just leaving it all to the lawyers. Most collaborative professionals believe that this process is normally more cost-effective and more efficient than litigation.

The purpose of collaborative negotiation is to help the parties negotiate a reasonable settlement that restructures their family in the most positive manner possible, recognizing that families continue and need to flourish despite the separation of the adults involved.  Parents ''must'' be able to effectively work together to raise their children long after their romantic relationship has come to an end, and that is the fundamental goal of collaborative negotiation.

This segment provides a general look at the collaborative law process. Since this process is very much tailored to the unique circumstances of each couple, their preferences and those of their lawyers, you should what follows with a grain of salt. This description may not represent how you or your collaborative lawyer will prefer to do things.
==How do I start a collaborative process?==

===Finding a Lawyer===
Because collaborative negotiation is voluntary, everyone has to agree to use it to resolve their dispute. Once the parties have agreed to use a collaborative process, they must each hire a collaboratively-trained lawyer. Sometimes the process starts when the parties meet with a <span class="noglossary">divorce</span> coach, and then decide to involve lawyers trained in collaborative processes.

The first step is for each spouse to find and hire a lawyer. You should look for a lawyer experienced in collaborative law, or at least one who is open to the idea; most lawyers who practice collaborative law will expressly describe themselves as collaborative lawyers in their promotional materials. The lawyers will then explain the collaborative law process to their respective clients, and then contact each other to begin the preparation of a collaborative law participation agreement.
===Finding a collaborative professional===

A good place to start looking for a lawyer is the website of the collaborative law practice group nearest you.
The first step in the process is to find and meet with a collaborative lawyer or <span class="noglossary">divorce</span> coach.  To find collaborative lawyers and <span class="noglossary">divorce</span> coaches, go to these websites:

* Collaborative Divorce Vancouver
* [ BC Collaborative Roster Society] (province-wide)
* The Collaborative Association (Vancouver)
* [ Collaborative Divorce Vancouver] (Vancouver and the lower mainland)
* North Shore Collaborative Family Law Group (Vancouver)
* [ Collaborative Family Separation Professionals] (Victoria)
* Collaborative Family Law Group (Victoria)
* [ Okanagan Collaborative Family Law Group] (the interior)
* Okanagan Collaborative Family Law Group
* [ Collaborative Law Group of Nelson] (Nelson)
* Collaborative Law Group of the Kootenays
* [ Collaborative Association in Metro Vancouver] (Surrey, New Westminster and the Fraser Valley)

A quick Google search for "collaborative law bc" should net you some additional resources, including collaborative family law lawyers in your area.
===Signing the participation agreement===

===The Participation Agreement===
Once each party has hired a collaboratively-trained lawyer, they will all sign a collaborative participation agreement. The process starts when the participation agreement is signed. The agreement says, among other things, that:

The parties and their lawyers will enter into a written agreement that commits them to work together using non-adversarial problem-solving techniques and cooperative strategies to negotiate a fair settlement without going to court. The agreement will contain a number of important terms which are very important to understand. Among other things, most Participation Agreements will provide that:
*no party will commence a court action while in the process,
*each party will make full disclosure of their financial information and circumstances,
*all communications between the parties are confidential, and will stay that way until a written separation agreement is signed,
*none of the lawyers can represent their clients if the collaborative process fails and the parties go to court,
*each of the lawyers must terminate the process if their client refuses to provide necessary financial disclosure, and
*the parties will make their best efforts to communicate with each other in a respectful manner.

* the parties are to discuss the issues in a frank and respectful manner, and not make unfounded accusations;
==Next steps in collaborative processes==
* while the collaborative law process is underway, neither party will commence litigation;
* if the collaborative law process ends, both parties must fire their lawyers and obtain new ones if they wish to litigate their dispute;
* either lawyer will be required to end the process if his or her client withholds or misrepresents information; and,
* all communications generated during the process are to be kept strictly confidential.

===Professional Advisors===
Most of the work in collaborative negotiation takes place in meetings between the parties and the professional members of the process. The professionals work to identify the needs and interests of each of the parties, and, together with the parties, discuss options for settlement and the resolution of the legal issues. The parties are very involved in these discussions, and retain control over the collaborative process and its outcomes. Other professionals &mdash; <span class="noglossary">divorce</span> coaches, financial specialists, child specialists, and others &mdash; will participate in these meetings as needed.

The parties and their lawyers then select the people who will be a part of their team (see below), their divorce coaches, the child specialist, if there are children involved, and their financial advisors, if there are complex financial issues. These professionals are neutral in their approach and are not hired to represent either party. Rather, their role is to help the process along by providing obective options and opinions about the subjects at issue.
===Financial disclosure===

As in all family law dispute resolution processes, honest, accurate and up-to-date financial disclosure is essential. The lawyers will work with the parties to make full disclosure of all relevant documents and information. The sort of documents that are most often important in making financial disclosure include:

The team then begins the process of making disclosure of all documents and information relevant to the issues between the parties. This is process is not a poker game, with each spouse bluffing the other and whatnot, this process requires absolute and unswerving honesty.
*statements for bank accounts, retirement savings accounts, investment accounts, and other financial accounts,
*current statements for debts including loans, mortgages, and credit cards,
*income tax returns, along with notices of assessment and any notices of reassessment,
*corporate financial statements and corporate tax returns, and
*statements of the parties' current incomes.

The parties produce their documents and information to the other on the understanding that the information, except for legal documents like Financial Statements, and the content of the negotiations will never be used in court and will remain private and confidential between the people involved in the collaborative law process.
The parties provide their documents and information to the collaborative team on the express understanding that all discussions and negotiations in the collaborative process are private and confidential. In fact, this is a requirement of the ''[[Family Law Act]]'' as well. Section 5 says that:

===The Negotiation Process===
<blockquote><tt>(1) A party to a family law dispute must provide to the other party full and true information for the purposes of resolving a family law dispute.</tt></blockquote>
<blockquote><tt>(2) A person must not use information obtained under this section except as necessary to resolve a family law dispute.</tt></blockquote>

Once full disclosure has been made, the parties then begin to negotiate the terms of a settlement, relying on the advice and input of their respective lawyers and the other team members to craft a resolution which both parties are as happy with as possible. You can expect that this will be a process of mutual compromise, and that neither of you will wind up with an agreement which reflects your original positions!
===Exploring options for settlement===

You may want to have a look at the segment "Tips for Successful Mediation" in the Alternatives to Court > Mediation chapter for information about communications skills that can be helpful during the negotiation process.
Once financial disclosure has been made, the parties and their lawyers, and sometimes a financial specialist, begin exploring options for settlement. If necessary, the lawyers will get expert opinions on the current market value of any property, businesses, artwork, collections, and other assets that can be difficult to value.  In collaborative negotiation, the parties will usually retain a valuator or appraiser together. Discussions continue until the parties reach a resolution that meets their most important needs.  

Along the way, depending on the nature of the issues, one or more interim agreements may be reached. These are not meant to be a final determination of the issues, rather they are temporary, stop-gap issues designed to deal with issues like the sale of the family home if money is needed, the parties' time with the children over holidays, and so forth. These interim agreements will fall by the wayside when a final agreement is reached.
We've said a few times that collaborative processes are private and confidential. This includes both discussions in the negotiation process &mdash; whether those communications occur in meetings between the parties and their lawyers or in correspondence by mail and email &mdash; and the documents and information that are exchanged for the purposes of those discussions. The reason why these discussions and documents are private is to allow everyone to be as honest and as creative as possible in exploring options for settlement. Each party needs to be able to make settlement proposals and admissions without worrying that their statements will be held against them in the event the process goes off the rails and winds up being resolved in court.  

===The Final Agreeement===
Because collaborative negotiation is confidential, discussions to identify options for settlement tend to involve some surprisingly candid, transparent and imaginative brainstorming, even when the parties are dealing with very difficult subjects like substance use and abuse, physical and mental health challenges, and parenting deficits. The settlements that result from collaborative negotiation are usually equally creative, sometimes in ways that are not possible through processes like arbitration and litigation. 

The terms of the resolution are then put into either a formal separation agreement or are drafted as an order that the parties will ask the court to make by consent.
You may want to have a look at the discussion of [[Family Law Mediation#Tips for successful mediation|tips for successful mediation]] in the [[Family Law Mediation|Mediation]] section later in this chapter. It has information about communication skills that can be helpful during collaborative processes.

===Developing parenting plans===

The link below will open a sample participation agreement in a new window. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this file, a free program available for download from Adobe Software.
When there are children, the parties will usually work with their <span class="noglossary">divorce</span> coaches to develop and settle on a parenting plan that focuses on the best interests of their children. If needed, a child specialist may be involved to meet separately with the children in an effort to bring other opinions, and sometimes the voice of the children, into the parents' discussions.  While the coaches are working with the parents to finalize a parenting plan, they help the parents deal with any emotional issues that arise and work with the parents to equip them, as best as possible, to raise their children together and resolve any problems that may arise in the future.

In this sample, our fictitious parties, Jane Doe and John Doe, are entering into a participation agreement with their lawyers, Alice Smith and Sylvia Black.
===Reaching an agreement===

Participation Agreement
The lawyers and divorce coaches try to help the parties reach a durable, long-lasting agreement that addresses most of the parties' needs and priorities in a timely manner, without the pressures and conflict involved in going to court. When an agreement is reached, the lawyers will confirm the terms of the settlement in a separation agreement and attach the parenting plan to that agreement. The collaborative process ends when the separation agreement is finalized and everyone has signed the agreement.
This sample document is just that: a sample. While it represents a more or less accurate picture of how these sorts of agreements might look, it may not be applicable to your situation nor may it reflect the agreement you will enter into if you chose the collaborative law process. Use it as a reference only.

==The Team==
Read the [[Agreements after Separation]] section in the [[Family Law Agreements]] chapter for a discussion about separation agreements and their effect.

The collaborative law team is made up of psychological counsellors ("divorce coaches"), family law lawyers, a financial specialist and a child specialist who work together with the spouses and their children. The degree to which each of these types of professional may become involved will depend on the particular circumstances of each couple. For some couples, the child specialist will become a key member, for others it may be their divorce coaches; when the financial issues are straightforward, the financial specialist may be unnecessary.
==What if a resolution is not reached in a collaborative process?==

===The Lawyers===
Approximately 92 to 95% of all family law disputes that go to collaborative negotiation are resolved. That's a pretty good success rate.

The role of the lawyers in the collaborative law process is to advance the needs and protect the interests of each client. The lawyers advise their clients on their legal rights and obligations, and provide them with information about the law, and likely long- and short-term results of any particular course of action.
When a dispute is not resolved through collaborative negotiation, which doesn't happen all that often, the parties must hire new lawyers and try to resolve their dispute some other way. It is important to remember, however, that all of the discussions and negotiations that happened in the collaborative process are private and confidential, and can't be used by anyone in any court proceedings.

===The Divorce Coaches===
==Pro Bono Collaborative Family Law Project==

The divorce coaches are counsellors. They help guide their clients through emotional turbulence of the breakdown of their relationship and assist each party in maintaining an objective view of the situation. They may also help their clients develop their views on the issues and teach them effective communication strategies.
The BC Collaborative Roster Society offers a pro bono program for people who are separating, do not have lawyers, and are willing to meet with each other and negotiate using the principles of collaborative negotiation but can't afford the collaborative team for their case. The Pro Bono Collaborative Family Law Project is available in Vancouver and Victoria. To be eligible for the program, the parties must:

===The Financial Advisor===
#both consent to participate in settlement meetings,
#have a combined gross annual income of less than $75,000, and
#own property, excluding pension plans, with less than $100,000 in equity.

This person is a neutral party in the process, someone without any loyalty to one spouse or the other who is able to look at things objectively and impartially. His or her job is to present options to help the parties deal with the financial aspects of their relationship, in terms of both the present and the long-term future.
The program gives preference to the most needy applicants.

===The Child Specialist===
Visit the website of the [ BC Collaborative Roster Society] for more information.

This person is another neutral party whose job is to represent the interests of the children, without any loyalty duty to either parent. While all the members of the process are concerned about the best interests of the children, the purposes of the child specialist are to ensure that the children remain a primary concern, that the parties develop a proper parenting plan, and to help identify and address issues regarding the children's future care.
==Resources and links==
* ''[ Family Law Act]''
* [ BC Collaborative Roster Society] (province-wide)
*[ Collaborative Divorce Vancouver] (Vancouver and the lower mainland)
*[ Collaborative Family Separation Professionals] (Victoria)
*[ Okanagan Collaborative Family Law Group] (the interior)
*[ The Collaborative Association] (Surrey and the Fraser Valley)
* [  Resolving Disputes Without Going to Court] from Dial-a-Law by the People's Law School
*[ Mediation, Collaborative Negotiation, and Arbitration] from Dial-a-Law by the People's Law School
*Sample collaborative negotiation [[Media:Participation Agreement sample.pdf | participation agreement]] (PDF)
**This sample participation agreement may not look like the participation agreement you may be asked to sign. It provides a more or less accurate picture of what collaborative participation agreements usually say, but should be used only as a reference.
*[ Participation Agreements & Other Forms] from the website John-Paul Boyd Arbitration Chambers
**model participation agreements for download.
*[ Participation Agreements] from the BC Collaborative Roster Society
**free, downloadable copies of the participation agreements currently used by its members.  
{{REVIEWED | reviewer = [[JP Boyd]], 25 August 2021}}

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Latest revision as of 20:54, 19 August 2024

{{LSSbadge |resourcetype = more information on |link = [collaborative family lawyers collaborative family lawyers] }}In collaborative processes, the parties and their lawyers, and sometimes other professionals, work together as a team to find a resolution to the issues arising from the breakdown of the parties' relationship. The other professionals the parties might work with include psychologists or clinical counsellors, and experts such as child specialists and financial specialists, who are called upon as the need arises during the collaborative process.

Collaborative negotiation is meant to address both the legal and the emotional consequences of the breakdown of a relationship, in a cooperative rather than a competitive way. As a result, it can help people deal with difficult issues, like substance abuse and mental health problems, in a far more constructive way than going to court. It is, in my view, one of the best possible ways of resolving family law disputes.

This section provides a brief introduction to collaborative negotiation, a step-by-step overview of what happens in collaborative processes, and resources for learning more and getting started.


Collaborative negotiation is a voluntary, cooperative process in which each party retains a collaboratively-trained lawyer, and other collaborative professionals as needed, to resolve not just the legal issues but also the emotional issues arising from the end of a long-term relationship. (Not surprisingly, the emotional issues that come up after separation can often be a barrier to resolving the legal issues.) The other professionals who might be involved in a collaborative process include:

  • Divorce coaches: counsellors trained in collaborative negotiation who may work with each party to manage the emotions typically associated with separation and help them finalize a parenting plan that best meets the needs of the children. ("Divorce coach" really isn't the best name for the mental health professionals who take this role, since collaborative negotiation is available for all families, not just those in which the adults are married to each other.)
  • Financial specialists: neutral financial experts, trained in collaborative negotiation, who may work with everybody to review and make recommendations about the available financial options. They include accountants, business valuators and investment advisors, as well as people who are experts in wills and estates, taxation, retirement planning and public benefits.
  • Child specialists: neutral mental health experts, trained in collaborative negotiation, who may work with everybody and with the children to ensure the children's wishes and preferences are heard. They may also make recommendations about the parenting arrangements that will best meet the children's needs.

This sounds like an awful lot of professionals; however, in collaborative processes the lawyers and their clients work together to build the team that best suits their needs and circumstances. As well, this approach provides a more specialized, and often more cost-effective, way to deal with separation than just leaving it all to the lawyers. Most collaborative professionals believe that this process is normally more cost-effective and more efficient than litigation.

The purpose of collaborative negotiation is to help the parties negotiate a reasonable settlement that restructures their family in the most positive manner possible, recognizing that families continue and need to flourish despite the separation of the adults involved. Parents must be able to effectively work together to raise their children long after their romantic relationship has come to an end, and that is the fundamental goal of collaborative negotiation.

How do I start a collaborative process?

Because collaborative negotiation is voluntary, everyone has to agree to use it to resolve their dispute. Once the parties have agreed to use a collaborative process, they must each hire a collaboratively-trained lawyer. Sometimes the process starts when the parties meet with a divorce coach, and then decide to involve lawyers trained in collaborative processes.

Finding a collaborative professional

The first step in the process is to find and meet with a collaborative lawyer or divorce coach. To find collaborative lawyers and divorce coaches, go to these websites:

Signing the participation agreement

Once each party has hired a collaboratively-trained lawyer, they will all sign a collaborative participation agreement. The process starts when the participation agreement is signed. The agreement says, among other things, that:

  • no party will commence a court action while in the process,
  • each party will make full disclosure of their financial information and circumstances,
  • all communications between the parties are confidential, and will stay that way until a written separation agreement is signed,
  • none of the lawyers can represent their clients if the collaborative process fails and the parties go to court,
  • each of the lawyers must terminate the process if their client refuses to provide necessary financial disclosure, and
  • the parties will make their best efforts to communicate with each other in a respectful manner.

Next steps in collaborative processes

Most of the work in collaborative negotiation takes place in meetings between the parties and the professional members of the process. The professionals work to identify the needs and interests of each of the parties, and, together with the parties, discuss options for settlement and the resolution of the legal issues. The parties are very involved in these discussions, and retain control over the collaborative process and its outcomes. Other professionals — divorce coaches, financial specialists, child specialists, and others — will participate in these meetings as needed.

Financial disclosure

As in all family law dispute resolution processes, honest, accurate and up-to-date financial disclosure is essential. The lawyers will work with the parties to make full disclosure of all relevant documents and information. The sort of documents that are most often important in making financial disclosure include:

  • statements for bank accounts, retirement savings accounts, investment accounts, and other financial accounts,
  • current statements for debts including loans, mortgages, and credit cards,
  • income tax returns, along with notices of assessment and any notices of reassessment,
  • corporate financial statements and corporate tax returns, and
  • statements of the parties' current incomes.

The parties provide their documents and information to the collaborative team on the express understanding that all discussions and negotiations in the collaborative process are private and confidential. In fact, this is a requirement of the Family Law Act as well. Section 5 says that:

(1) A party to a family law dispute must provide to the other party full and true information for the purposes of resolving a family law dispute.

(2) A person must not use information obtained under this section except as necessary to resolve a family law dispute.

Exploring options for settlement

Once financial disclosure has been made, the parties and their lawyers, and sometimes a financial specialist, begin exploring options for settlement. If necessary, the lawyers will get expert opinions on the current market value of any property, businesses, artwork, collections, and other assets that can be difficult to value. In collaborative negotiation, the parties will usually retain a valuator or appraiser together. Discussions continue until the parties reach a resolution that meets their most important needs.

We've said a few times that collaborative processes are private and confidential. This includes both discussions in the negotiation process — whether those communications occur in meetings between the parties and their lawyers or in correspondence by mail and email — and the documents and information that are exchanged for the purposes of those discussions. The reason why these discussions and documents are private is to allow everyone to be as honest and as creative as possible in exploring options for settlement. Each party needs to be able to make settlement proposals and admissions without worrying that their statements will be held against them in the event the process goes off the rails and winds up being resolved in court.

Because collaborative negotiation is confidential, discussions to identify options for settlement tend to involve some surprisingly candid, transparent and imaginative brainstorming, even when the parties are dealing with very difficult subjects like substance use and abuse, physical and mental health challenges, and parenting deficits. The settlements that result from collaborative negotiation are usually equally creative, sometimes in ways that are not possible through processes like arbitration and litigation.

You may want to have a look at the discussion of tips for successful mediation in the Mediation section later in this chapter. It has information about communication skills that can be helpful during collaborative processes.

Developing parenting plans

When there are children, the parties will usually work with their divorce coaches to develop and settle on a parenting plan that focuses on the best interests of their children. If needed, a child specialist may be involved to meet separately with the children in an effort to bring other opinions, and sometimes the voice of the children, into the parents' discussions. While the coaches are working with the parents to finalize a parenting plan, they help the parents deal with any emotional issues that arise and work with the parents to equip them, as best as possible, to raise their children together and resolve any problems that may arise in the future.

Reaching an agreement

The lawyers and divorce coaches try to help the parties reach a durable, long-lasting agreement that addresses most of the parties' needs and priorities in a timely manner, without the pressures and conflict involved in going to court. When an agreement is reached, the lawyers will confirm the terms of the settlement in a separation agreement and attach the parenting plan to that agreement. The collaborative process ends when the separation agreement is finalized and everyone has signed the agreement.

Read the Agreements after Separation section in the Family Law Agreements chapter for a discussion about separation agreements and their effect.

What if a resolution is not reached in a collaborative process?

Approximately 92 to 95% of all family law disputes that go to collaborative negotiation are resolved. That's a pretty good success rate.

When a dispute is not resolved through collaborative negotiation, which doesn't happen all that often, the parties must hire new lawyers and try to resolve their dispute some other way. It is important to remember, however, that all of the discussions and negotiations that happened in the collaborative process are private and confidential, and can't be used by anyone in any court proceedings.

Pro Bono Collaborative Family Law Project

The BC Collaborative Roster Society offers a pro bono program for people who are separating, do not have lawyers, and are willing to meet with each other and negotiate using the principles of collaborative negotiation but can't afford the collaborative team for their case. The Pro Bono Collaborative Family Law Project is available in Vancouver and Victoria. To be eligible for the program, the parties must:

  1. both consent to participate in settlement meetings,
  2. have a combined gross annual income of less than $75,000, and
  3. own property, excluding pension plans, with less than $100,000 in equity.

The program gives preference to the most needy applicants.

Visit the website of the BC Collaborative Roster Society for more information.

Resources and links




  • Sample collaborative negotiation participation agreement (PDF)
    • This sample participation agreement may not look like the participation agreement you may be asked to sign. It provides a more or less accurate picture of what collaborative participation agreements usually say, but should be used only as a reference.
  • Participation Agreements & Other Forms from the website John-Paul Boyd Arbitration Chambers
    • model participation agreements for download.
  • Participation Agreements from the BC Collaborative Roster Society
    • free, downloadable copies of the participation agreements currently used by its members.
This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by JP Boyd, 25 August 2021.

JP Boyd on Family Law © John-Paul Boyd and Courthouse Libraries BC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Canada Licence.