Introduction to Employment Insurance (8:I)

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This information applies to British Columbia, Canada. Last reviewed for legal accuracy by the Law Students' Legal Advice Program on August 7, 2024.

Employment Insurance (“EI”) is a federal social insurance scheme for eligible workers who experience job loss or are unable to work for specific reasons. Service Canada and the Canada Employment Insurance Commission (“the Commission” or “CEIC”) administer the system.

Employment Insurance is a multistage process. At the first instance, a claimant experiencing an interruption of earnings applies for EI and a Service Canada Benefits Officer determines their eligibility for benefits. If the claimant, their employer, or another interested party disagrees with the initial decision, they may request Service Canada reconsider it.

Service Canada’s reconsideration is appealable to the General Division of the Social Security Tribunal of Canada (the “SST”). A party that disagrees with the General Division’s decision may apply for leave to appeal to the SST’s Appeal Division. In rare cases, the Federal Court of Appeal (“FCA”) will accept an application to review the decision of the SST Appeal Division. Exceptionally, the Supreme Court of Canada may review the FCA’s judgement if the issues engaged are of national significance.

A separate appeal structure, overseen by the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) exists for issues concerning the insurability of employment. This structure is set out in Section XI.B.1 – Insurability Decisions.

A. Deadlines for Appeals

When working with an Employment Insurance claim, always ensure that you are working with the most updated information. Consult Service Canada’s Employment Insurance website before proceeding.

  • Requests for Reconsideration: 30 days.
  • Appeals to the General Division: 30 days from the date the reconsideration decision was communicated to the applicant.
  • Appeals to the Appeal Division: 30 days from the date the General Division decision was communicated to the applicant.
  • Judicial Review to the Federal Court of Appeal: 30 days from the date the Appeal Division decision was communicated to the applicant (Federal Courts Act, RSC 1985, c F-7, s 18.1).
  • Requests for Rulings to the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”): By June 29th of the year after the year to which the question relates.
  • Appeals to the Minister of National Revenue from a CRA Decision: 90 days from the date of the notification of the ruling (EI Act, s. 91).
Note: For all deadlines, requests for an extension of the deadline may be made to the applicable governing body.

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